Wednesday, October 15, 2014

On being nice to your body: From the postpartum side

The truth is, I think my body is pretty freaking rad.

A year ago my body started on its hardest task yet- making a baby.  From October to July my body figured out how to take the nourishment I was giving it and then use it to make tiny fingernails, a tiny heart, a tiny brain.  (Some things blew my mind about pregnancy- the fact the my gums would bleed easily because my body was taking any extra calcium and giving it to the growing babe.  How does my body know how to do that?!)  

After nine months of growing that baby, my body so graciously agreed to let itself get sliced open so that the docs could pull my stubborn baby out.  My abdomen muscles, my uterus, layers of fat were all cut through to retrieve the baby.  Now my body is working on healing it back together again.  The only evidence I have of that terrific feat is a five inch red scar across my bikini line.

My body continues to amaze me as now it produces milk for the child that it spent the last year growing.  Sometimes I just think about it all in awe-  how does my body know how to do all those things?  How does it answer my needs?

I have always tried my best to be nice to my body, but especially in the past three months.  I look at the extra roundness and squishiness in my belly, and it is easy to want it gone right away.  I am tempted to be frustrated with my body, to wish it back to its pre-pregnancy state.  But then I remember that the squishiness and the scar and the sometimes sore breasts are all evidence of what my body has done for me, how it has taken care of me and my child.

Because of this, I have gone easy on my body since I had June.  I haven't made it go running, I haven't forced any strict workouts on it.  I have allowed it to heal slowly and in its own way while I have enjoyed a sugar cookie or two.  I have not pressured myself to exercise or eat a strict diet- in a way I feel like my body has been through so much that heck, give it that piece of cake that it wants.

I am, however, finally feeling ready to push my body a little bit.  Yesterday I went for my first run in six months and while it was tough, it felt amazing.  My body has done so much for me that I feel like it is time that I give back to my body- give it proper exercise and start improving my diet a little bit.  My  body doesn't know this, but I'm going to want it to grow me a baby all over again in a few years here.

One of the big things that got me out the door and on a run was my new pair of running shoes.  A bit of advice for you- if you are dragging your feet to start working out, buy some new work out gear.  It always does wonders for me!  

I am especially proud to be wearing these running shoes as they are part of Skechers' campaign to end the fight against breast cancer.  (Notice the pink?)  They have three shoes this season that are all dedicated to raising awareness and lots of other fitness merchandise, too.

The shoe I am wearing is the GOrun Sprint Awareness Shoe and I love it.  It is extremely light weight and comfortable- the sides are made of a lightweight material that is very breathable.  My feet are always on fire when I work out, so I love that these shoes actually keep my feet cool.

Visit here if you are interested in joining in to support the fight to end breast cancer.  Hey, if you've gotta buy new running shoes anyway, why not buy a pair that is supporting such a great cause?

This post is financially supported by Skechers.


  1. This is a great post! As a a person who did not recently grow a tiny human (maybe next year?) I needed a little bit of encouragement to be kind to my body! And I love those sneaks!

    Kate at

  2. Love this. for more on this topic :)

  3. I recently wrote a post about being nice to our postpartum bodies too, and as usual you knocked this out of the park! Even in a sponsored post, you spoke more eloquently than I ever could ha! That's some true talent Bonnie. Also, you're a beauty. Your postpartum bod is rockin!

  4. I love how you have this respect for your body and what it did for both you and June.

  5. That is the one thing that scares me the most about pregnancy, That my body wont be the same after all this craziness is done! But I am proud of you to go out and start running again! not that you really need you tiny lady! Buying new clothes is for sure a big motivation! If you look good and feel good while you're working out, then it will keep you coming back!

  6. I definitely feel you on this, seeing as I just had my baby a month ago! I love your attitude.

  7. This was such a nice post. The shoes are great and your body in time will get back in shape. I look at it this way, it too 9 months for you body to get to that point so it will take that time for it to get back to normal :) Best wishes with it all.

  8. amen. the woman's body is an incredible thing. and getting back into shape postpartum is pretty incredible too. maaaaaybe i'll go on a leisurely job once this guy is out? maybe??

  9. Lovely post and you look amazing Bon :) xoxo

  10. Great advice! And you look great.

  11. Such a great perspective. Our bodies are totally amazing. It takes 9 months to put it on, it is going to take time to get our bodies back. And you don't want to work out too hard or it could hurt your milk supply, which I think is another amazing way our bodies try to force us to take it easy on our bodies.

  12. Brooke did a similar post a few weeks ago and I have a post similar to this scheduled for next week. I've never had a "pouch" on my stomach, but now I do. However, I've always been a twig without many curves, and now I do have all the right curves and my family and my husband both say I look so much better now. =)

  13. Love this post! What a great perspective and attitude about your post baby body! And yes, there is nothing like new running shoes (or new running clothes) to motivate yourself to get out the door :)

  14. You look great! What a great post!

  15. You look fantastic, and I love the shoes!! Congrats on getting out there again!
