I dyed my hair pink.
(Also, can I get a round of applause for my first ever picture on my four year old blog?)
People react very interestingly when you dye your hair a crazy color. Some of my favorites:
My sister: "That's not permanent, is it?"
Me: "Well nothing in this life is permanent... if you think about it."
My next door neighbor: "It's so cute so cute so cute so cute I want to do it too!!!!!!"
S, the boy I am currently dating: "Whoa. You dyed your hair."
Me: "yes. do i look like a rock star?"
S: "I guess...if that's what you were going for....."
P, from my ward: "Wow. You're hair is so hot that it makes me want to make out with every single strand of it."
A server at the restaurant: "You going to meet your boyfriend's parents with that hair? Oh... yah... they'll love you."
My mom: "WHAT is with your hair? Do you think you're a punk or something?"
Me: "No... I don't think I'm a punk...."
Mom: "You're a returned missionary! You need to cut this stuff out!"
A random person at the restaurant: "Does your hair grow in like that?"
My four year old nephew: "It's weird... I have never EVER ever ever seen anyone with that color of hair before."
The bishop's wife: "Your mom was right- returned missionaries should not dye their hair pink like that."