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Hubs and I are off to St. George to roast in the 110 degree sun for a couple of days, so I'm going to keep this post short. Also, I took a bit of a beating yesterday with my handicap parking confession so I'm still licking my wounds. Too much typing hurts these bruises, you understand, don't you?
Before I leave you for the weekend I want to talk about a few things I've noticed lately. Quite frankly, these are things that must go. I don't want this to be a huge complaining post, mostly it's meant to be kind of funny and satiricial, but still hit on a few truths. I'm thinking of doing a regular "Things that must go" thread, but am worried it might get too whiney and negative... anyway, I'll judge based on your reaction today if I keep doing it. And please, be soft with your comments people- Bonnie's got feelings! Even if she is a no good, horrible, lazy, classless person for parking handicapped when she's in a hurry, she's got feelings!
And now, without further ado...
1. My voicemail inbox making me listen to my old messages every three weeks and resave them. Hey, I said I want them saved, okay? I didn't change my mind after three weeks, I want them saved! I've got a lot of sweet messages saved on there, including messages from Hubs when we were very first dating... I certainly don't want those going anywhere. However, I definitely don't have to relisten to them every three weeks and resave them. Gmail doesn't make me read all my emails every three weeks and decide if I still want to keep them, does it? Come on voicemail, why can't you be more like Gmail?!? Is this only a Verizon thing, or is it all cell phones? Verizon, fix this! (Cody, I'm talking to you. I know you have the power.)
2. When people leave voicemails just to say "call me". I think this is an older generation thing. Do people not realize that I will see the missed call and just assume you want me to call you back? Because I will. If it's something important, shoot me a text! Texts take .5 seconds to read and voicemails take 4 minutes to listen to. Come on!
3. I'm gonna say it, and some of you are going to call me out on it, but I just feel like I need to finally get this off of my back. The moustache craze. It's got to go. I'm so sick of the moustache pictures, the moustace jewelry and the ever popular "I moustache you a question." Can we be done with gross facial hair now?
4. People who leave mean comments on blogs.
5. People who leave anonymous comments on blogs.
6. People who leave mean AND anonymous comments on blogs. Like this on
my post yesterday: (If you didn't read the post yesterday, you're going to want to- ESPECIALLY the comments. I got dragged through the coals, my friends.)
Have to say its dishonest which puts on the level of LIAR! Having a parent who is actually handicapped and having seen people like you take the parking spot when lots are full, causing them to struggle in the farthest spot that does not have the extra room needed to remove and load a wheelchair, yeah I hate people who do that. Especially young able bodied people. Nice, real classy.
After I saw this comment, I deleted it. I didn't delete the comment because the author stated her opinion. I deleted it because it showed a complete lack of respect (like I say in my classroom, I don't care if you don't like me, I don't care if you disagree with me, but I do care that you respect me because that's what I deserve and that is what I give to you) AND because the author was hiding behind the safety of the ubiquitous "Anonymous" name. If you are going to say something that harsh I feel like you need to be willing to own up to it. After I deleted the comment, "anonymous" would not back down. She posted:
You deleted my comment. Did you not like me responding to your scale and saying that it's dishonest which make you the same as a liar? Or did you not like me saying that it shows no class and is rude to those who do need that extra space? Either way interesting of you to ask for feedback then delete it. To Jessi I agree with Mindy, yes some people abuse it does that mean you should?
Now... I realize that with my post yesterday I was asking for a little ridicule for so openly admitting something I have done that is wrong. (Also, just to get the record straight I feel like I need to say this is not something I do regularly. I could count on one hand how many times I have parked in a handicapped stall.) I was not condoning the behavior, I was not justifying the behavior, I was asking readers to tell me how bad they thought it was. I wanted readers to comment honestly. HOWEVER... I was not expecting some to do it in such an unkind manner. I felt like I was being honest by saying that parking in a handcapped stall wasn't something I understood the seriousness of and that I was willing to change. I wanted readers' perspective on it. Many people felt very strongly about the issue because they have people very close to them that are handicapped. I appreciated those comments because it made me understand. People who have never been in that type of situation (me) might not understand why someone could be so impassioned about it, and therefore need someone to explain it to them. I understood the passion behind some of the comments because I am very sensitive about death. I think any kind of joke about someone dying is classless and immature and not at all funny. Not in any way, shape, or form funny. Because someone very close to me has died, I am extra sensitive and passionate on the subject. Just like many of you may be on handicapped parking. I DO NOT feel however, that such passion on the subject warrants calling someone classless, a liar, or lazy. It was a simple lack of both understanding and empathy on my part.
I would just offer this one piece to advice to anyone who leaves a comment on any blog/facebook/ media outlet: Don't say anything on the internet that you wouldn't say to someone face to face. Be gentle with your critcism. You can state your opinion without being blatantly rude. Behind every blog there is a real person. And words can hurt.
I know what you're thinking now. Wasn't this post supposed to be a short post? Yah, but it got kind of long on me. So I guess I lied. Which, I suppose, makes all the readers who called me a liar yesterday right.
I'll be, we've come full circle, haven't we?!