First things first, there will not be a Bachelorette recap this week. For the first time since Ben F.'s season, I won't be seeing the whole thing out. I was so excited for Jojo, but have since decided she is a total idiot and has horrible judgment. I question all of her choices and watching this season has just turned really painful. After her horrible choice at the beginning of last night's episode I decided to peace out on her for good. Good news is I've got Bachelor in Paradise to look forward to August 2. Never a dull moment in reality tv!
Today you get to see the second batch of pictures from our East coast trip. Yippee! I know you've been on the edge of your seat because don't we all just live to see other people's vacation photos? YES WE DO!
Here was our schedule of what we did:
Thursday, July 7 Mystic, Connecticut
Friday- Sunday Lake George, New York
Monday Niantic, Connecticut
Tuesday Newport, Rhode Island
Wednesday Supposed to be home, but instead spent the night in Detroit.
Thursday, July 14 Home again, home again jiggity jig
In Part 1 I covered Thursday- Sunday and Part 2 will cover Sunday night- Wednesday. My oh my, aren't I organized?!?
Sunday night on our way home from Lake George the scenery was so breathtaking that we absolutely had to stop to take some pictures. Greg is serious when he says he would move to the northeast in a heart beat. It is sooooo beautiful and there is so much to do that is close by. I told him, yes, but have you visited Connecticut in FEBRUARY because that is the real test of your spirit, boy.
Monday Nick and Vanessa both had to work, so Greg and I took June and the three of us enjoyed the day in Niantic, Connecticut-- a cute touristy beach down. The weather was perfect- I lay out for almost an hour and read my book while Greg and June hunted pokemon at the nearby park. Greg caught all his necessary Pokemon, June tried out like 16 slides, and I got to read to my heart's content. (ROOM by Emma Donoghue. IRL book club is tomorrow night at 7:30 at my house and the online discussion will be Thursday. If you want in on the IRL action, we would LOVE to have you. Email me at Twas a perfect day for everyone!
Tuesday we headed to Newport, Rhode Island to see mansions and cliff walks and beaches and lobsters. Well, that was the plan. Tuesday was the last day of a long string of 1-3 hour drives and we were all pretty beat. I would like to say that we all behaved our best, but this was the day where we all pretty much lost our shiz. Vanessa was so awesome to take us, but I think the heat and the lots of traveling left us zapped of energy. (And probably not the best company for Nessa). We managed to get some old Vanderbilt mansion touring in but June was a little hellion and ran all of the place. (They wouldn't allow strollers in. GRRRRR.) She saw the ropes that blocked off the furniture and took that as a, "Please, young child! Crawl under these ropes and jump on this antique bed! We welcome you!" So yah... the mansions had the potential to be incredibly interesting, but were mostly just incredibly frustrating. Next time, Newport mansions.
We were all too wiped out for the cliff walk, (Well, Vanessa was up for it, but the rest of us were a freaking hot mess) so instead we hit a beach and let the kids play in the water. Perfect solution.
The original "spa-like bathroom"
Trying to wrestle June and the headset and the camera without a stroller.
Does this look fun to you? IT WASN'T,
Allie was sad because her swimsuit got left at home. Being a kid is rough stuff.
Wednesday was the end of our vacation. Our airplane in Connecticut got delayed an hour and a half... once we were already on the plane. Nothing like wrestling with your 23.5 month old lap child while the plane doesn't move. And a mean flight attendant kept telling me June couldn't be in the aisle because "something might hit her." Uh, honey, we're not even moving and there is literally nowhere for her to move at all so please just let her twirl in circles in the aisle for 30 seconds. I do not understand rules just to be rules,, and I always have a hard time with the people who make it their personal mission to enforce those rules. The other flight attendants couldn't have cared less, but that one, oh geez, it was her mission to make sure June stayed sitting in my lap at all times! I was tired and emotional so I started crying when she scolded me. Because that is what adults do! (Also, my little sexist rant here, but have you noticed that when a child is doing something "wrong" the mother always takes the blame? Greg was sitting right next to me the whole time, but the flight attendant only yelled at me and totally ignored Greg. HEY! THAT CHILD IS HALF HIS! PLEASE YELL AT HIM TOO! EQUALITY IN SCOLDING!)
FINALLY the plane took off, but by the time we reached Detroit we had missed our connecting flight to Salt Lake. I was a stressed out, tearful mess, but luckily Greg was calm as a summer's morning. (Probably because he avoided scolding on the airplane!) We got booked on the first flight out the next morning, got a hotel comp, and what do you know- we got to spend an extra night of vacation in Detroit! All of our dreams came true!
In short, our trip was AWESOME with a few minor hiccups along the way. I don't want to paint our vacation or our lives as perfect. Instagram can kind of trick us that way. There was definitely stress and melt downs and a few things that didn't go according to plan. June is at a really hard age to travel with and Greg and I agreed that she needs to be a little more of a functional human before we take her on a long flight again. (Or at least have her own seat!) It ended up costing more than we thought it would, (as is always the case) and I stressed every time the credit card got swiped (as is always the case.) BUT in the end it was totally worth it for us to spend time with our friends, to see the beautiful northeast, and to create memories with our little family. Family vacations for the win!