The Life of Bon: The Problem

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Problem

I've been doing some wedding dress shopping. (Oh... did I tell the blogging world yet that I'M ENGAGED?!?!?!) It's like driving a hammer through my head and then turning it slowly. ( dress shopping that is, not being engaged.)

This dress: Too hideous

This dress: Too mormon

This dress: Too expensive

This dress: Too immodest

This dress: Too "I'm-going-to-prom"y

This girl: Too picky

At least I got the guy I wanted, right?


  1. You're so cute! I think you would look gorgeous in any of those dresses. But I know how it feels to shop for something that you can't find.. soo frustrating. Wish I was there to help! Maybe more online browsing?? I'm sure you will find your perfect dress soon though, so don't give up!

  2. I was the same way. I thought all the modest wedding dresses were ugly. You'll find one though.
