This is what a sick baby looks like.
It came on Friday night and by Saturday we knew something was definitely off. She was sniffling, coughing, and wanting to be held every stinking minute. Our pleasant baby was suddenly the fussiest and her independent spirit refused to be taken off mommy and daddy's chest.
Monday I stayed home from work where she spent the day snoozing on me. Anytime I tried to put her down, she raised her little voice in protest. She cried, she fussed, she nursed about a million times.
Finally Tuesday morning I took her into the doctor. "It's an ear infection!" the doctor declared in half a minute and sent me off with a prescription for an antibiotic. Why oh why didn't I take her in sooner?! When will this stubborn mom learn? (I always tell myself it will just clear up and to give it a little bit of time. I am now declaring that while I can use that strategy for myself, I am not to use it for my child!)
So now she's got some medicine in her tummy, and for the first time in three days is taking a long nap all by herself in her crib. (She's been down for almost two hours!) And for the first time in three days I can think about cleaning the house/ folding the laundry/ grading papers/ attending to my blog. My mother in law is going to come tomorrow and watch her so that I can go back to work and so that June doesn't have to go back to daycare quite yet. I love our daycare so much, but it is no place for sick little babes.
MEANWHILE, I've been spending a lot of time around my home- reading books, watching reality TV, and catching up on so many many blogs. Here's the best stuff I've been reading on the web the past few days. You're welcome!
+ For all you breastfeeding moms out there (or soon to be nursing mamas), I loved this comprehensive guide for all things breast feeding related that you may need (And who said breast feeding was free?!) I was given the nipple cream from a friend and really loved it. Next baby I'm totally trying out that breast friend pillow!
+ For blogging fans, Erin's post on "blogging is hard" hit close to home for me. Blogging balance is tricky and sometimes blogging doesn't love you back the same way you love it. Or, as Erin says, "sometimes this space can feel pretty dang empty and lonely. It's a weird mix of too much noise and not enough feelings."
+ I'm trying to put a little extra love in to my blog this month and hoping it repays me. I've referenced Elisabeth's guide on making money from blogging again and again. Not only is she brilliant, but in real life she's the sweetest I know.
+ My go to place for easy, yummy recipes has been Maybe the best recipes on the whole world wide web? Greg and Agathe both LOVE this slow cooker beef and broccoli (and it's SO easy). Tomorrow I'm making this lemon alfredo chick fettucine diddy.
+ I'm so proud of my friend, Taylor, and her "I just want to hang with my dog" shirts. She is such an idea person and the best part is she goes through with all her great ideas which is why she's so successful. She's also hilarious. And also so so kind. 20% of proceeds on the shirts go to animal shelters. She's the best kind of people there are. Order her shirts here. Read her hilarious blog here.
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