The Life of Bon: If you're reading this...

Thursday, June 05, 2014

If you're reading this...

If you are reading this post then I am successfully on an airplane to Germany to see my long lost sister.

If you are reading this post then I survived my last day of school, completed all my grades, successfully checked out, and left my room clean and organized.

If you are reading this post then I got all the documents to the loan guy he needed, including Greg's mysterious transcripts that are nowhere to be found.

If you are reading this post then I ran all my errands, found everything from Target I needed, bought the camera chip from Best Buy, and the books from Barnes and Noble.

If you are reading this post then they let me on the airplane 33 weeks pregnant.  Gasp!

If you are reading this post I successfully picked out granite and tile options the afternoon before the plane left and I liked my choices, dang it!

If you are reading this post I am alive and happy and well.

I hope you are reading this post.

See you in Germany!

(I'll be visiting my sister until June 24.  I have some blog posts planned during that time, but posting will be sporadic.  In addition to a few scheduled posts, I'll post when I can while I'm on my vacation, but frankly, it won't be a huge priority.  You'll get what you'll get and you won't throw a fit.  I'll be back to the normal blogging grind for shizzle on June 25.) 


  1. Have a great time brave girl.

  2. Have a wonderful trip!!

  3. Wow, you made it! Have a safe trip and lots of fun in my neighbor country!

  4. Enjoy your sister, and enjoy Germany!!

  5. Glad you got thru all the stuff that was making you want to cry! Enjoy your trip!

  6. Well I read all of this and have to say I hope you have a bloody wonderful time in Germany

  7. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Have fun in my beautiful homecountry!
    Regarding your trip to Prague: this city is beautiful! I have been there twice and it has astonishing architecture and very good and inexpensive food! Maybe you can look at Lisa's blog at Two Martinis for more information about the city as she (also pregant) traveled there with her husband recently.

  8. Have a wonderful time :)
