Since third grade I have kept a journal. THIRD GRADE. I have two huge boxes
filled with my journals- each journal lasts anywhere from a year to two years. (Except my missionary journals- those only lasted six months or so because I wrote SO MUCH while I was in Argentina.) Recently I decided to look to younger Bonnie for some inspiration and knowledge because it seems like I used to know a lot more than I do. So,
I cracked open the journals.
Well the journals haven't been much help. Turns out I've never known anything, but I did once have the illusion of knowing something, so I guess that's worth a couple bucks. Nine year old Bonnie was pretty clueless as was fourteen year old Bonnie, twenty year old Bonnie, and twenty five year old Bonnie. BUT I have learned a few things about myself, and if nothing else, been thoroughly entertained. And I can't be this entertained and not share it with you guys, so here you are people, a journal entry in the life of 12 year old Bonnie.

Oct. 6, 1998
Sup Journal!
Believe it or not the day is not quite over yet. Right now it is 5:05 I just finished my homework so right now I'm sprawled out on the bed listening to music and relaxing! I'm so tired! I figured I should write in you now because I have mutual tonight and when I get home I'll probably be real tired. School today was good. Amy (names have been changed) wasn't there so Rachel was much nicer to me! Let me explain this to you. Rachel and I've been best friends as long as I can remember. Than last year Rachel met Amy and this year they've gotten real close. So basically when I'm around them I'm totally ignored. They do all kinds of stuff without me. They even sit thier and tell secrets right in front of me and then not tell me and say "It's a secret" It always makes me feel bad and sometimes makes me cry!
Well, school today was OK. Thier's this kid named Shawn Kelton and EVERYONE was asking me if I liked him, because he likes me. Now let me tell you a little bit about Shawn. He's a real dork. He's real short (shorter than me) and isn't very cute at all. He's kind of funny and real nice, but he acts like a real dork. I went out with him in 5th grade and ever since then (I don't mean to brag) he's never really gotten over me. Last year he asked me to this Christmas dance, and now (says everyone) he's planning to ask me out!! I don't want to hurt his feelings 'cause he's a real cool kid, and fun to be around. He's also real annoying though. Sigh. Anyway. More on that tomorrow. I'm way excitied because this week is UEA! Yea!! That means we don't have school Thursday and Friday, so tomorrow is the last day of school this week! YES! My family is going to MOAB for it. School was fine today, we had a stupid test in science. I got 6/9 right! I'm not doing so well in that class. I have an A-. All my other classes I have an A. I'm real excited because this real hot kid named Brandon will be at mutual. (We're combining with the other ward). He just moved this summer from Texas or something like that! Anyway, he's dang hot. But sadly he's going out with this girl named Sarah Wallace.
Also, I wrote a whole nother page that day that I didn't put on this blog. Guess I've always been long winded...
- Sup was like the coolest way to greet anyone ever
- I figured out my theres and theirs (and thiers?!?) late in life
- I've always been sensitive (cried because they won't share their secrets? I have absolutely no memory of that but my heart hurts for little Bon)
- Boyfriend criteria: HOT and NOT A DORK. It doesn't matter if a boy is funny, real nice, cool, and fun to be around. HE IS A DORK AND THEREFORE I CANNOT GO OUT WITHOUT HIM. Also, just to clarify, "going out" in my sixth grade world = passing notes in the hallway, maybe one slow dance at a school dance, and absolutely never ever ever making eye contact with that person.
- I may have had too high of standards when it came to school work (A- is "not doing too well."? Relax little Bon)
- The crossing my S's was a phase. Luckily it didn't last long
- 12 year old Bon was obviously not cool and yet still struggled with humility (I don't mean to brag but Shawn has not gotten over me!)
- SO GLAD I AM NOT 12 ANYMORE. Although if I did go back to 12 I would definitely stop being friends with Rachel and Amy and go out with Shawn.
-MOAB must all be capped because it's obviously the coolest city ever.
And, just to make sure we all understand the girl we are working with, here is me on the first day of sixth grade.
Explains a lot, RIGHT?
+Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my post last week about Greg resigning from his job. I feel so much support and encouragement from this community and we are so grateful. We experienced the unexpected loss of an extended family member this weekend and are clinging to each other pretty tight realizing how fragile life is. Relationships + family trump everything.
+ If you need a guilty pleasure binge watch series from the recommendation of someone who loves Kardashians and Bachelor, I present you with this. Enjoy.
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