The Life of Bon: I need to read some books and you're going to help me.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

I need to read some books and you're going to help me.

Bon's Book Club 2015 selection.  Anyone read them all?

You guys.  I'm in a slump.  A reading slump.  They're the worst kind of slumps to be in because with most slumps I pull myself out by relaxing, taking bubble baths and reading.  Well how do you pull yourself out of a reading slump if you can't read?  TEEN MOM MARATHONS?!?!  Because I tell you, that isn't helping anything.  And yes I've been watching a lot of Teen Mom.  I watch it while I make your jewelry.  My life seems very stable compared to theirs and I leave feeling good about my own life and where I'm at so I guess it's cheaper than therapy?

Anyhoo... I'm looking to all of you to help me out of my reading slump.  I am kind of sort of reading And Then There Were None.  This was supposed to be the October book for Bon's book club and then I postponed it until November and then I postponed it until December and then I never wrote it and just hoped none of you noticed.  And I don't think any of you did!  Chalk that up as a win for me!   I just couldn't get into it.  It was a little too cheesy and predictable for me.  It kind of felt like watching an old, horribly made movie.  Like I kept rolling my eyes and thinking, "this would never fly if she tried to publish this today."  Are you allowed to say that about a writer who has supposedly published more books than anyone besides Shakespeare?  Well I just did.  And can we all just admit that Agatha Christie certainly ain't no Shakespeare?  She does not do it for me!

BUT I felt like I couldn't quit on And Then There Were None because 1) I have this stupid complex about finishing books and 2) it was a book club selection for the book club that I started and host so I thought I definitely definitely had to read it.  Well I didn't read it.  And I'm still alive.  And right now I am admitting to myself and to all of you that I'm not going to finish it and that I'm going to allow myself to read something else Agatha-Christie-guilt-free.

So now I'm looking for some book ideas because I have two weeks off of work and blog and business coming up and I want TO READ.  Also 2016 is around the corner and we've got to find some 2016 selections for Bon's Book Club!  Tell me... what do you want to read?  What are the best books you've read this year?  What book would be perfect for an online book club selection?  For book club selection keep in mind that the book needs to be readable in a month so nowhere more than 400 pages or so.  Also as far as content goes, keep it somewhat PG-13... no insane amount of profanity or crazy graphic sex scenes...  I don't know.  I'm not too conservative with what I read, but we want it to be a book that most people feel comfortable reading and discussing.  (Sorry--- those guidelines are super vague, I know.)

I will take all of your suggestions for books and we will vote for 2016 book selections a week from today- on December 21.  I'll get the list compiled over Christmas break and we'll be all ready to go for the new year.  We need ten books- January through October and book club will always be the last Thursday of the month.  Read the book, write a blog post discussing the book, and then come here to talk about it.  It's so easy to be in book club!

I am looking for a few ways to be more successful with book club this year.  More consistency from the host (ahem... we're looking at you, Bonnie) is obviously key.  I would like to have a co-host each month again, but last year I made the mistake of scheduling all the co-hosts at the beginning of the year and it got too hard to keep track of.  So this year we're going to take it month by month.  Would any of you who live in Utah be interested in a in real life blogger/book club night?  Any other suggestions from you of ways to make book club more successful?  My dream is to have as many people checking in for book club posts as "how we wore it" posts.  Can't bloggers like both clothes and books?  DO I ASK TOO MUCH?!?!?

Alright.  I've talked long enough.  Give me some book suggestions.  Some things that I have wanted to read are:

Between parent and child- parenting book that was highly recommend to me.
Quiet- nonfiction book about introverts
Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
Anything by Anne Lamott
All the Stars in the Heaven (Clark Gable, Loretta Young romance)
Major Pettigrew's last stand- recommended by a friend

Let's talk books baby!


- I admit that part of the reason I haven't been reading as much lately is because late at night I've been downing episodes of this with Greg.  We can't get enough!

- If you live in Utah and are looking for some inside fun things to do this winter, I found this list to be helpful.

- One of my favorite bloggers of all time is Elizabeth Ivie.  She doesn't blog anymore, but she does have a rocking etsy shop.  If you're in the market for baby sheets, blankets, pillows, etc. she's got you covered.  She's been a huge inspiration of mine in blogging and teaching for forever and now she inspires me with her business.  So cool to see women out there just getting it done.

- This post by Danica (Stop telling Teens to Put Away their phones) has had me thinking for weeks now.  I always take my students' cell phones when they are on them during class but I always struggle with the choice.  What do you think?!?

- June's been a hot mess lately.  I've started putting these in every room in the house for some damage control.  How does anyone make it through toddlerhood?

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