Here's how it works:
1. Every Thursday through August we'll be throwing it back here at thelifeofbon.com. We want to see pictures of course, but we want the stories that go behind those pictures even more! And because I'm a total control freak, I've even mapped out a nice little schedule for all of us. I figure the prompts will make it easier to come up with something to write about every week.
TH 6/20 Elementary school crush
TH 6/27 Throwback birthday
TH 7/4 Throwback fourth of July
TH 7/11 First job
TH 7/18 Moving away from home
TH 7/25 Memory of one or both of your parents from childhood
TH 8/1 Favorite summer vacation
TH 8/8 Childhood friends
TH 8/15 First kiss
TH 8/22 Memory of a high school teacher or high school class
TH 8/29 Back to school memory
Admit it, those topics are totally bomb.
2. Follow www.thelifeofbon.com, slap that little button somewhere on your post, and link up your Throwback Thursday posts! I'm so excited to read everybody's stories.
3. Visit new blogs and make new blog friends. No duh!
Before we begin, let me tell you this. I was the queen of crush. I didn't kiss a boy until I was 18, and I didn't have a real boyfriend until college but oh my goodness sakes did I know how to crush! I crushed like it was nobody's business. I endlessly doodled names in notebooks, I figured out boys' home addresses, I knew every individual piece of their wardrobe. Serious stalker stuff. I never dared talk to them, but oh how I crushed.Elementary crushes: Tommy Riche, Devin Keller
Junior High crush: Brandon Hansen
High school crushes: Keenan Atwood and Neal Maynes.
My most intense crush was probably Brandon Hansen, but that's because it was junior high and isn't everthing more intense in junior high?
Brandon Hansen- total seventh grade babe, right?!?
For years the room I grew up in had written in glow in the dark pen (so you could only see it in the dark. So hip!) "I love Keenan and Neal!" Yes, I was ridiculous. Add to it that I was 16 at the time. I grew up so very slowly, my friends.
My first "boyfriend" was in third grade. His name was Tommy Riche and I was absolutely and utterly terrified of him. Stoked as I was to have a boyfriend, I spent the majority of my time trying to figure out the best way to avoid him. I mean, come on, nine year olds can't talk to their boyfriends! That would be ridiculous! I remember he used to write me these kind of creepy notes with pictures on them and say things like, "Our love will last for all time" with a heart with a snake wrapped around it and other similar third grade creepster stuff.
One day I was doing my business out on the playground, you know, the usual recess stuff- tetherballing it up, crossing the monkey bars, avoiding Tommy Riche. Some kid came up and gave me a note from Tommy. Inside was a picture of a wilting rose and a caption that read, "Our love is dying. YOU WON'T TALK TO ME." That was when I decided that relationships are way too much work and I couldn't handle the pressure. I told the note deliverer to tell Tommy that it was over between us. Oh, the drama!
Sixth grade. I thought I was so hot.
After Tommy Riche came Devin Keller. (Also I am a total fool and am using real names here but I almost feel like I have to to keep the stories authentic. All you boys that were once victims of my crushes, I'm so sorry!) I started to like Devin in fourth grade and he liked me back. There was all sorts of chasing and flirting and the like. I remember he made a joke about "sharing his big red gum" with me and I thought it was the scandals and scandals. Devin, you sly boy!
And of course, there was a super juicy break up!
June 2, 1996
Dear Journal,
Well, a lot has changed since I last wrote in my journal, but my feelings haven't. I still think Devin is a major hunk, but sadly, I dumped him. I know it sounds weird, but let me explain. It was recess and I was walking and talking with my friends and Maika said sarcastically, "Bonnie's about ready to dump Devin." But little did we know Brandie the big mouth was right behind us. She went and told Devin. So he came up to me and said, "Bonnie you don't have to tell me- Brandie did." I knew what he meant and ever since that I've never had the guts to tell him the truth."
Quite the drama, huh? (And P.S. Aren't you impressed that I kept a journal at 9 years old?!)
Devin Keller, you hunk!
Now he's married with kids and I haven't seen him for probably ten years. Devin, if you're out there somewhere, thank you for being one heck of a fourth grade crush!
I seriously am loving these Throwback Thursday posts. They are becoming my favorite posts to write each week. Make sure to link up yours below- I can't wait to read about all of your creepy weirdo crushes!
I love the Throwback Thursdays, too. Thanks for hosting!!
ReplyDeleteHear, hear! These are some cool prompts!
ReplyDeleteYour crush Brandon, totally looks like a student I had this year...no joke! Complete with the same smile, curl of hair, and slightly raised eyebrow! Scary!
Oh man! Glow in the dark ink! Hahaha!! I had a crush on a guy named Mark for all of jr high and high school. He was my first date and my junior prom date. I used to write on my binder when I was 15 "I love question Mark!" I thought I was so stealth. I love that you used real names! That's part of the reason I don't want to write this post. I already stalked poor Mark for 6 years, I don't want him to hear about it through the grape vine :)
ReplyDeleteAlright, you've inspired me. I'll be linking up tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteOMG stop! You were so cute. And good gawd, everything in junior high/middle school was just so ridiculously intense. Your parents were the worst then, your love was the truest, everybody hated you one day and loved you the next (in your eyes). Maybe this was all just me? And we all know we were just freakin' awkward... But no, we thought we were cool...
ReplyDeleteI had my first boyfriend in 3rd grade!!! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like serious stalker status stuff! But you can read about it in the post I linked up! :)
Hahaha! I love that you wrote their names and showed their yearbook photos! You are amazing. I was too shy to even use last names in my post.
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha. I love this. I would love to do this in my own blog, but I'm not brave enough (too afraid those boys will come read this).
ReplyDeleteI love this! I found I was too embarassed of some of my crushes in elementary school but the ones that made the cut were pretty funny (in two cases I left out names but I included the name on one and well if my friends read it....they'll know exactly who I'm talking about.
ReplyDeletebest. link-up. ever. can't wait to link-up next week!
ReplyDeleteToo cute. I love it.
ReplyDeleteI loved the dramatic story from your 9 year old journal. Although, it does make me kinda glad I was homeschooled.
ReplyDeleteAwesome - I'm going to start linking up next Thursday, I need something to post on Thursdays :)
ReplyDeleteI didn't properly comment on this post the first time around. Glow in the dark gel pens are awesome. Yes, everything is more intense in junior high (I actually did my post on middle school crushes). And I'm SUPER impressed that you had a journal at age 9, but it kind of explains the becoming an English teacher. The only other person I know who actively kept a journal at age now is now writing books in Los Angeles. I think there's a connection there.
ReplyDeletethis is hysterical bonnie!
ReplyDeleteloved it.
I absolutely love this link-up. I don't know if I am ready to spill about my elementary crushes (don't want my husband to be jealous) but I am loving reading about others! :)
ReplyDeleteI am dying! This is the best topic ever!
ReplyDeleteHaha!! Oh boy does this bring back memories or what!?
ReplyDeleteOh my heck, so funny! I love that you used real names and pictures! I think every single girl had a crush on Brandon Hansen in junior high. I'm not willing to fess up to all my crushes, but my very first was Nick Child(the one with the brown hair;)). And I bet you can guess my high school crush. ;)
ReplyDeleteI did it! I threw my hat, er pen, er laptop into the lifestyle blogging ring and I gotta say, constructing a post without step 1, step 2 and step 3 is harder than it looks. But it was certainly fun to reminisce and read some old love letters.
ReplyDeleteEven though you are a bit younger than me, life/crushes were so similar for me at the same young age! I guess not everything changes! :)
ReplyDeleteI love this. I was the same way. Crushing on every guy possible but didn't have a real boyfriend or kiss til high school.