An example of Christmas insanity- we arrived at the Christmas party too late to get a picture with Santa. I think June knew I was sad so she posed anyway without complaints.
Every Christmas I forget that Christmas season can be totally insane/ stressful/ make me want to crawl into a hole and never come out. Then I feel guilty for being stressed. Because crazy busy life during the holidays is a good crazy busy. Family and holiday parties and lights and gifts! Nothing wrong with any of those things! But then they come all at the exact same time, and suddenly I'm stressed. Because my family is having a party. I mean, really? Of all the things to be stressed about.
This year, my annual Christmas melt down came early. It usually comes around the 20th of December. This year it arrived on the 5th! Hello, meltdown! You're early, but okay, let's just get this out of the way, shall we? My meltdown started gearing up the end of last week. My sister was here for Thanksgiving visiting from Germany and my best friend was here this week from California. I love having friends and family visit, but like my sister said, no one else is on vacation when she is visiting. I try to make time to see people I really care about, but I still have to go to work/ go grocery shopping/ do laundry/ write blog posts/ feed baby. So it gets crazy. And when I only get to see my sister once a year I want to see her every day she is here. And then trying to see her every day makes my life totally crazy, and it doesn't help that she's staying 20 minutes away. What we need is a week where every person in the world is on vacation and everything just stops so we can all hang out with our family and friends. Whaddya say?
To add to it all, Greg's been sick for three weeks. THREE WEEKS. He took a full dosage of antibiotics and they did diddly squat for him. Ladies and gentleman my husband is immune to medicine and that is not awesome. He went back on Thursday for more medicine and they gave him some inhaler thing that is maybe kind of sort of helping. Question Mark. When my husband is sick for two or three days I am very sweet and loving. When it is two or three weeks, I go ape. He can't help around the house, I can't pick up the slack, he's mad because I'm mean, I'm mad because he's sick and gosh it just ain't pretty. AND, in the middle of this madness, Agathe moved in. You'd think from what I just described that she would be running for the hills. But she's not. She's very sweet and pleasant and seems beyond grateful to be here so I guess that means she really had it bad at her other home!
With all of this craziness, it was pretty much inevitable that the Christmas breakdown would have an early arrival. Do you know the steps of a breakdown? They are as follows:
1) Take on way more things than you can reasonably handle.
2) Do none of those things well and feel like you are letting people down left and right.
3) Start snapping at innocent people in your life because you just can't get everything done.
4) Burst into big ugly tears.
5) Retreat to bedroom and cry until you eventually fall asleep.
6) Wake up after two hour nap and feel a little bit better.
7) Realize you have to cut something out of your life if you are going to keep your sanity. And your marriage.
Really, it's a very predictable process!
After my breakdown this week here's what I decided I need to change to have a healthy and happy Christmas season.
1) Blog 3-4 times a week instead of 5. I just can't anymore. In my blogging hey day I was a young newlywed with a husband who had rehearsals every night. Blogging five times a week wasn't too hard because I had so much time to myself. Now it is harder. And that's okay because my life is full of very good things. I still love my blog, but I just gotta cut back a little back.
2) Say no to the blogging "stuff". Mostly this means saying no to giveaways and sponsored opportunities that I can't do well. It might be time to be done with sponsors and ads from other blogs. I used to feel like I was doing that well, and I don't anymore.
3) Spend less time on social media. It's a time sucker and I don't really get anything out of it. When I nurse I spend WAY too much time on my phone and I would rather spend that time reading. My goal is to get on insta/twitter/ facebook ONCE a day, not twelve times a day.
4) Stop buying stuff I have to return later.
5) Spend more time holding and cuddling and loving June. She's about the only thing in this whole world who doesn't make me stressed out of my mind. I think God knew I was crazy so he sent me the chillest, happiest baby ever. It is awesome, but it also means He's got a little hellion up there waiting for me.
I leave you with a giveaway- likely the last giveaway I will put together for awhile. $100 for Christmas shopping to one lucky reader. Enter below. All entries will be verified. Winner will be chosen on Monday, December 15
Brought to you by: A Gray Rainbow, Uncustomary Art, Sierra's View, XO Kerry and Bella the Blog
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