I've never said anything on my blog about Frozen before. I have remained quiet on the subject for months and months.
Well, my friends. The time for silence is past. It's time to speak up.
I am launching an investigation today. I just figured that once and for all I get to the bottom of the mystery of Frozen. Greg and I saw the movies a few months after it came out- at the beginning of January. There was a lot of hype about the show. A lot!
In March, Frozen joined a very elite club of movies that have grossed over a billion dollars. That makes it the first animated movie in history to making a billion bucks. The most successful animated movie of all time. I just want to know why. Explain it to me people. I know all of your kids are obsessed with the movie and I know you've probably shared an article on the movie on your facebook page. I need an explanation.
In the meantime, I want to introduce you to Charlotte. She's a fellow book lover (her twitterature post is brilliant) and obsessed with punctuation. My kind of girl! (For grammar Nazis out there, make sure you check out her post "Why Punctuation matters") Well, my friends. The time for silence is past. It's time to speak up.
I am launching an investigation today. I just figured that once and for all I get to the bottom of the mystery of Frozen. Greg and I saw the movies a few months after it came out- at the beginning of January. There was a lot of hype about the show. A lot!
I thought it was a pretty standard Disney
movie. Perhaps because I had heard so
much about it before I saw it, I was honestly a little bit let down. I liked Disney’s recent Tangled just as much,
if not more, than Frozen, and I didn’t think it held a candle to the Disney
classics like Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and Lion King.
But the Frozen rage
has continued. I can’t open up facebook
without seeing a shared Frozen parody
or Let it Go cover or an article
debating the political nuances within the film.
What is it about the film that has made us all go mad?
I know a lot of you will say it’s revolutionary because it
has two women as protagonists, because its central theme isn’t the classic love
story of a man and a woman, etc, etc, etc.
But this doesn’t explain why kids are so bonkers over the movie. And they are.
Every kid I know loses their crap when it comes to Frozen. They want to watch
it every day. Listen to the soundtrack
on repeat. They're desperately trying to convert their
lives to Frozen.
In March, Frozen joined a very elite club of movies that have grossed over a billion dollars. That makes it the first animated movie in history to making a billion bucks. The most successful animated movie of all time. I just want to know why. Explain it to me people. I know all of your kids are obsessed with the movie and I know you've probably shared an article on the movie on your facebook page. I need an explanation.
Hello, Life of Bon readers! I'm excited to be here. I'm sitting here feeling a little awkward about typing this, because I feel like I'm crashing some super cool party that I invited myself to. I racked my brains for a few weeks deciding what to write about, but I didn't feel like I could just write a normal post for my blog, because you guys don't even know me! And I feel like I need to introduce myself a bit so you know what you're getting into when you jump over to my space.
My name is Charlotte, and I'm a writer, editor, and stay-at-home mom. (PS I'm so excited for Bon and Greg and their babe, and I was also so excited to read about her decision to work part-time!) I'm a certain introvert and relish time alone. Many of my friends are extroverts, and those relationships are some of my favorite ones.
I like to sew and read and bake anything with gluten and preferably chocolate. I love Diet Pepsi, and if I were stuck on an island with only one dessert, it would have to be chocolate cream pie. I can't pick a favorite book, but These Is My Words
My blog started out in 2006 as nothing more than a personal writing endeavor. I guess in many respects, it's still just my space to write, and the relationships I develop with my readers are a lovely and rewarding fringe benefit. (I even drove to Seattle once to meet a blog friend, and I'm lucky she didn't turn out to be a serial killer) Sometimes I blog about silly things like TV and cake, and other days I'll write about subjects like sorrow, losing, loving, and believing. One time I even wrote for 31 straight days, and I loved it (even though it about did me in). I try to keep my blog authentic and real. I write about lots of happy things, and I'm not afraid to be serious. I care about being genuine, both online and in my real life.
I'm so grateful to Bonnie for giving me space on her blog today, and I hope you find a minute to stop by my site to say hi!
Frozen is awesome!!! It is definitely one of my favs and I am in on the cult. I love that it has two princesses and it is sooooooo funny. I love the music and definitely deserves all the money it has made and all the awards it has won.
ReplyDeleteI just saw Frozen for the first time about three weeks ago. I also thought that it was quite hyped up, but the conclusion I came to is this: We love the movies we grow up with. Since Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, and Aladdin came out when we were young, those are the movies that are more magical to us--because that's when we legit-believed in magic. For kids now, it's the newer movies. And as always, adults can enjoy the movies, too, because there is always humor that is just 10x funnier to adults, but the new animated movies just don't hold the same magic for us. Idk, what do you think?
My guess is the movie making people have created some sort of algorithm of what kids like and they just seemed to nail it this time. There are a ton of people in our ward that work for dream works and they have explained some of this animation stuff with us. One of them actually quit after working on Madagascar 3 because he couldn't stand it anymore. He said there is so much under the scenes stuff and subliminal messages that they are trying to teach children and not all of it is good. This probably makes no sense and I am rambling but yes that is my thought haha
ReplyDeleteMy guess is the movie making people have created some sort of algorithm of what kids like and they just seemed to nail it this time. There are a ton of people in our ward that work for dream works and they have explained some of this animation stuff with us. One of them actually quit after working on Madagascar 3 because he couldn't stand it anymore. He said there is so much under the scenes stuff and subliminal messages that they are trying to teach children and not all of it is good. This probably makes no sense and I am rambling but yes that is my thought haha
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! I saw the movie and honestly thought it was a good but mediocre Disney movie. I guess I just dont understand why it blew up the way it did. I loved tangled and finding nemo and it seems like these movies don't hold a flame to Frozen. I guess it's one of life's great mysteries. Maybe once I have my baby I'll be able to understand better. It's good to see someone questioning it though instead of raving. I swear I get the evil eye from everyone when I tell them the movie was "just ok, but not my favorite."
ReplyDeleteI still haven't seen Frozen yet! My son is a little young to be interested in sitting down and watching movies just yet but I have been meaning to watch it myself!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen Frozen yet but I must admit I have been intrigued by it because of all the hype. That being said I probably still won't see it until it is on HBO. I literally JUST watched Pitch Perfect because it is finally on HBO & I finally get all the references I saw on Facebook when it first came out!
ReplyDeleteI've wondered the same thing. I saw it. And honestly, I give it a "meh." But you're absolutely spot on, kids are nuts for it. 9th wonder of the world??
ReplyDeleteI was at the doctor's office, reading some popular magazine article, when I found out that Frozen had made a billion dollars. Wow. Well, I am honestly glad that a clean, animated Disney movie for kids can make a billion dollars. I have always heard that the biggest money makers are the R-rated and hardcore PG13 movies. It is refreshing to hear that people all over the world are interested in family-friendly entertainment.
ReplyDeleteI really liked Frozen, but I like most princess movies. Tangled will always be my all-time favorite, maybe because I relate to the princess and have sung those songs several times with a CD in my car. I was surprised to read in the same magazine article that Brave made more money than Tangled. Brave wasn't my favorite. At any rate, hopefully the money will inspire Disney to continue to make more movies like this.
Frozen is the best!
ReplyDeleteI am probably one of a handful of people who haven't seen Frozen, so i can't explain it. But I haven't really liked a princess movie since Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid. Princess and the Frog? just ok - tangled? meh I really feel like if and when i see Frozen it's just going to be a huge let down - since you're right there is SO very much hype about it.
ReplyDeleteI am the only idiot in the world that has not seen Frozen I feel like. I will get back to you on what I think when I try to hunt down a copy in the Redbox :)
ReplyDeleteI think people love it because it's so easy to relate to. Even little kids get it. And the musical score is great. I love it. It's so modern and relevant and I think it's awesome.
ReplyDeleteI love it just as much (well almost as much) as my daughter. The songs are cute and catchy. It is a silly and fun movie to me.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA I have had this conversation with people too. I have resisted writing a post about it, but one day I might. I feel like if I ever see the movie I will lie. I never want to be one of those people that post on FB all the time about it. Mostly I just do not get it :)
ReplyDeleteIt's everywhere. My husband and I were recently hiking in the Namsan Gardens in Seoul, and sure enough, there was a little girl in a local school tour group there with a Disney shirt on over her school uniform, singing, "Let it go."
ReplyDeleteI don't get it either! Frozen seemed mediocre at best and I don't understand why kids are so drawn to the plot!
ReplyDeleteI loved Frozen, but love most Disney movies, and think that it follows their successful formula for creating home-run movies that kids love and obsess over. I think this one might be extra loved by little kids because the characters are a little more recognisable than the ones in other recent Disney films; fighting sisters, a boy who's best friend is his pet... we adults have said it's stand-out because of the women being the main characters, etc, but I doubt that's why kids love it! Plus, 'Let It Go' is awfully catchy :p
ReplyDeleteI teach 4 & 5 year old preschool and I have two daughters so believe me I'm about all Frozened out. Even though I'm extremely tired of it I still think it's a great movie. The songs are catchy and the characters are relatable and the humor is spot on for kids. I have a little girl in my class who has been a challenge all year and has just been combative with me. About a month ago I started playing the Frozen soundtrack once a day when they are waking up from naps. This little girl is now stuck to me like glue and loudly proclaims, "I love you Mrs. Lindsay". I know it's because I got on her level with this one thing they're all crazy about so to me it's a win. Oh and I think the marketing timing worked out well since it lined up with Christmas
ReplyDeleteI love Frozen! As an adult, I love that a girl saves the day and that the most important love story is the one between two sisters.
ReplyDeleteI think kids like it for the catchy music, the fun characters, and the beautiful animation.
That said, I disagree with your assertion, "I know a lot of you will say it’s revolutionary because it has two women as protagonists, because its central theme isn’t the classic love story of a man and a woman, etc, etc, etc. But this doesn’t explain why kids are so bonkers over the movie."
Kids are a lot savvier than you think. I follow a great parenting blog called Pigtail Pals and Ballcap Buddies. The facebook page includes a lot of interaction with parents with kids of all ages, and they share stores of how excited their daughters are to see a different kind of princess movie. It's the same reason why so many young girls liked Brave. Kids are smart, especially if you don't talk down to them. I totally noticed gender inequality as a little kid, even if I didn't call it that. And I intentionally sought out media that featured strong girls and women.
Why I love Frozen: the music is fantastic, and the characters are a bit more relatable (we'll pretend that's a word.) Before, I always identified myself with Belle because she liked to read. But then when Anna came on the scene, I could resonate with her because she says things like "You're not awkward, I'm awkward. You're gorgeous. Wait, what?" and that right there is my life in a nutshell. Plus, Olaf is adorable. Also also, I love Anna and Elsa's relationship. I love how it portrays the real ups and downs of relationships between sisters. For instance, when I get mad at my sister, I turn her bedroom into ice until we agree that we love each other and then my frozen heart melts and we become best friends again.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. Frozen was very, very underwhelming. I watched the true movie trailer on YouTube and enjoyed that more than the film. C'mon America.
ReplyDeleteI saw Frozen when it first came out without having any expectations. My family came out loving it. One thing I especially liked was how Elsa had to overcome her fears through love. There are few films that put family and true charity as a first priority. Having dealt with mental difficulties such as depression/anxiety, I could relate to the fear Elsa had with her mental battle using her powers. And it's true, love does conquer all :). I also liked that the "bad" guys weren't too creepy. When we watch older disney movies we are constantly having to fast forward through the "scary parts" for my kids. The music was catchy and easy to memorize, making it an instant favorite for my kids. I think people who watch it for the first time, having heard all the hype, build up unrealistic expectations that can only lead to a let down. Frozen is a great family film.
ReplyDeleteHaha! I very much agree with you...I don't know why. But i think its the fact that it has more songs than any disney movie has made in a while (since LionKing, LittleMermaid, and Beauty and the Beast). I still don't understand it. Had my nephews and niece watching it at my place yesterday and all of a sudden they went from rambunctious little boys and girl, to be quiet and smiling and singing kiddos...
xo Andiepants
I still haven't seen it, but I'm with you...I would like to understand what makes people go crazy over it!
ReplyDeleteI agree, the movie is waayyy too hyped up. Adam and I rented it about a month ago and, maybe because of all the hype, were both really disappointed with it. I didn't even think that the female protagonists were as strong as the ones in Brave. So I have absolutely no answers to your questions -- the movie just isn't that grand from where I'm sitting. Buuuttt, I will say that the "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" song beats Let it Go any day!
We watched Frozen on the bus on the way to our field trip and I just did not see what the fuss was all about. It was cute, but I didn't think it was any better than Tangled, The Lion King, Aladdin, or any of my other favorite Disney movies.
ReplyDeleteHaven't seen the movie
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the movie but certainly don't consider it a favorite. Still, really? Has it really beat any other Disney film? Cuz there are some great ones and I have a really hard time wrapping my head around this as fact - it's seriously that much more successful? I know the merch can't stay in stores, but I honestly think that's a sales scheme on Disney's part.
ReplyDeleteI'm really confused about the above post! But the movie Frozen....well they love it because of the Snowman!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat's NOT to like about Frozen? Did you see it in the theater? I think that's what made it so enjoyable for me… the animation was absolutely stunning… and we saw it in 3D too! I love the hues… the purples and blues and the cool as in cold colors. And the whole ice and icicles and everything it was just visually stimulating. I loved that it was set in Scandinavia because I love Europe of course and really want to visit that part of the world. The music was great, Olaf was hilarious, and I loved the story of the sisters… about staying close. Didn't it strike a chord with you in regards to you and Mary? I loved it because they reminded me of Emily and Caroline… Em has Elsa's same serious more reserved demeanor and Caroline has Anna's carefree, outgoing personality, and she's always BEGGING Emily to play.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I also loved the guy in it… Christof… I didn't like Rapunzel's man, Eugene. I thought he wasn't very chivalrous and plus he was an outlaw… a thief!
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry… three comments on one post but I forgot to tell you that the other day Caroline was BELTING the song out as we walked Emily home from school. There were all these middle schoolers walking past us and she had NO inhibitions… she's like, "The wind blows cold on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen… the kingdom of isolATION and it looks like I'm the QUEEN…. don't let them in, don't let them see… be the good GIRL you always have to BE, conceal don't feel…don't let them KNOOOOWW. Well, now they KNOOOOOOW!" It was hilarious. I wish i had it on camera.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't say Frozen was the best Disney movie of all time, but I do think it's good that Disney movies are now teaching girls that they don't need to wait for a knight in shining armor to save them (I loved Brave for this reason). I also liked the movie because it reminded me of my younger sister and I's relationship. :) I don't have Facebook and I'm never around kids, so I honestly didn't know anything about the movie going in. That probably helped. I had zero expectations and I wasn't already sick of it before seeing it! I never saw Tangled so I can't put in my two cents on that one...
ReplyDeleteThank you!! I have been saying the same thing about Frozen from the beginning. People are weirdly obsessed and I'm not quite sure I get it either!