The Life of Bon: Tribute time! I nominate the ten year old!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tribute time! I nominate the ten year old!

The above picture has been pre approved by my mom.  When I asked if we could get a pic tonight she immediately demanded to know if it was "for the blog" and when I said there was a good chance it would hit the blog she then determined we must take it with a good background.  Just standing by the couch wasn't going to do.  "Take it by these Halloween decorations!" she insisted.  Because there's nothing like Halloween decorations on November 11 to really highlight a dang good picture.  After the picture was taken my mom wanted to preview the picture just to make sure it was up to Debi Blackburn standards.  "Well, my eye's a little freaky, but I guess it'll work..." she relented.  The picture passed.

All this hooplah about a picture is because tonight we celebrated my mom's birthday.  Her actual birthday is tomorrow (Monday) and of course, we'll celebrate Monday too, but if you can start the party a day early, why the heck not?!

One of my favorite things we do in my family for birthdays is "tributes."  It's almost my favorite part of birthdays- all my family members tell me why I'm awesome.  Generally people probably aren't as great about saying nice things to each other as they should be, so that's why tributes is a great excuse to tell people you love why you love and admire them.  Not to be confused with tributes from The Hunger Games.  No no.  That's something else entirely.

My nephews' tributes are always the best, especially Davey's.  That ten year old really knows how to hook you up with the truth.

The year I got married, "Bonnie's great, but mostly she's always with Greg so I don't really see her too much."  Note to self: I'm neglecting my family.

The next year:  "I love Bonnie because she knows all the jokes."  You hear that folks?  I know them all!  ALL the jokes!  My coolness raising in Davey's eyes.

His tribute to my mom this year:  "I love Nana for a lot of reasons, but the main reason is that she is usually the one who makes the dessert."  AMEN!

(Also while we're on the subject of my nieces and nephews I have to tell you the most hilarious thing my three year old niece said to me last week when I was babysitting her.  I was wearing bright pink lipstick and she asked me why it was so bright.  I replied, "I like to wear bright lipstick sometimes- do you like it?"  "Yah... but it's a little bit ugly."  She answered deadpan.  Leave it to a kid to give it to you straight!)

Lots of nice things were said about my mom because my mom really is about as great as they come.  The general theme seemed to be, though, how much we admired her for the work she put into relationships.  My mom never acts too busy to spend time with you.  She's got a million things on her plate, but you would never guess it because she never seems stressed or harried or like it's a burden to be with you.  She focuses on the individual and she makes people feel important and special.  My mom will ask question after question to every person she meets- she genuinely wants to know all about them.  She values her relationships more than anything and it is my hope than one day- maybe one day- I will be half as good as her at making people feel loved.



  1. Two beautiful ladies! I hope your mom has a beautiful day tomorrow! and your 3 year old niece is precious!

  2. I love the tribute idea! I might just have to start that one up with my little family. Also, I love what your niece said about the are so unintentionally hilarious :) Happy Birthday to your mama!

  3. Happy birthday to your mom!! What a fun tradition! I may have to implement this :)

  4. I really love the tradition of tributes! I'm not sure how to start that among the larger family, but we'll have to at least do it with our smaller one. Also, Davey sounds like the coolest kid lol I love his comments!

  5. Hi Bonnie! Wishing your mom a very Happy Birthday.... I've always aspired to be the kind of person that makes others feel loved. I think that's an amazing quality to posses...

    P.S - I love the way u write :)

  6. Happy Birthday, Mama Blackburn! Kids. You can't live with them, you can't live without them... but if you must, at least you get tons and tons of gems of hilarity!

  7. you guys look so alike! happy birthday to your mumm!! :)

    Leyla xx
    Leyla Writes...

  8. It's my mom's birthday today too! :) Also, kids are the best. Sometimes I write down the things my little brother says because they're so funny!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  9. I LOVE the tribute idea! I'm going to have to steal that!

  10. Happy Birthday to your Momma. Love the idea of doing tributes.. how fun :-)
