June and her two cousins.
They were all born within six weeks.
+ Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand for April's Bon's book club. I first read this book three years ago and loved it. Rereading it, I am amazed at the detail, the story telling, and Hillenbrand's ability to suck you in.
+ French Kids Eat Everything. I actually finished this today. I really enjoyed this book more than I thought I would and it has made me rethink a lot of my own attitudes about food. My biggest takeaway from this is that eating should be about pleasure, slowing down, eating mindfully, spending time with loved ones, etc. For anyone who struggles with picky eaters, I recommend this book 110%. (Now if I could try some of those tactics on Greg...)
+ Edenbrooke. A neighborhood book club is doing this book in a couple weeks. I haven't technically started reading it yet, but am looking forward to it. A period romance, a la Downton Abbey. Count me in!
Listening to...
+The soundtrack to the movie St. Vincent with Bill Murray. We watched this a couple of weekends ago and I loved the music so much that I downloaded the album the next to. It's a good one for cleaning, driving, relaxing, everything.
+ Nora Jones. She is my favorite. I like to listen to her on the drive home from school when I am stressed/ exhausted/ spent out of my mind. I also love listening to her while I cook dinner in the late afternoons.
+ Van Morrison Pandora station. It gets me.
+ Married at First Sight- Reality TV at its finest! A couple is matched up by experts according to who their perfect match is on paper. The two theny meet at the alter. It's a social experiment along the lines of arranged marriage. Greg and I accidentally started watching a few minutes of the premiere and now we're hooked. Don't judge us!
+ Parks and Rec. We just finished season 6 but are kind of stalling a little to start in on the last season. Part of it is that it's such a great thing and we don't want it to be over. The other part is that we've heard season 7 isn't as good, takes place out of the office, etc, etc, etc. Part of me wants to just end on this high now. Tell me, internet abyss, is season 7 worth it?
+ Lots of Jazz games. We got cable just in time for the last ten or so games of the season. They won't make the playoffs, but they've got lots of potential for next year and I love watching me some Rudy Gobert any day of the week.
+ The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. We've only seen the premiere, but we're loving it so far!
Excited for...
+ Spring break in a week. Greg and I both have a week off so we are going to Southern California, hitting up the beach, and doing Disneyland with the Junebug. I always love me a good vacation.
+ The second week of June my entire family- my mom, siblings, siblings' spouses and siblings' kids are going to Cancun. I am beyond excited. There are going to be 33 of us taking over the beaches of Mexico. It's going to be so wild.
+My AP Lit class next year. I've started planning the books we'll be reading and I'm thinking about activities, poems, skits, etc. It is fun to feel really excited and challenged by a class. I've really enjoyed teaching juniors this year, but it's a class I've taught for five years now. I needed this easy year with June and going to part time, but I feel excited about a little extra oopmh next year.
Worried about...
+ Junebug has been sick this weekend. Coughing and sneezing and snot down her face for days. And goopy eyes. Lots of goopy eyes. Her spirits seem to be a bit improved tonight and I think she's on the mend, but there is something about a sick baby that just makes you want to sue the world. How dare a baby get sick? What did she ever do to you?! She's innocent!
Frustrated by...
+ A bill I got in the mail this week for the car accident I was in a year ago in California. GEICO said they had paid all the bills, but apparently one fell through the cracks. We moved in August, never saw a bill, assumed all was well, and boom comes a bill from a collection agency. These are the types of life annoyances that will make the sanest person go completely bonkers.
+ Melted milk chocolate with oranges. It's my go to nighttime snack. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, (20 seconds then stir, 20 seconds the stir) dip your little orange in. (I have been eating lots of cuties lately.) It's heaven. And kind of healthy maybe?
+ Strategies for increasing Instagram followers. I feel like marketing/blogging/ sponsoring is all going towards Instagram. Anyone figure out the magic secret to increasing followers?
Tomorrow's Monday, folks. I ain't scared.
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