Today is Halloween!
Do you want to know what I'm going to be?
Do you!? Do you?! Do you?!
I am going to be....
I can't tell you what I'm going to be yet, because it's a big secret!!!
But I'll tell you this much...
It's going to blow last year's costume out of the water.
Answer me this:
What in this world is better than a day to dress up, stay up late, and eat loads and loads of free candy?
Nothing.My main Halloween post will be tomorrow where I unveil mine and Hubs' costume for the year. (What will it be? What will it be?!?)
For now you will have to be satisfied with some Halloween costumes over the years. And by over the years I mean the past six years. Pictures from my childhood required way too much effort. What do you expect from me? I've been busy preparing for Halloween this weekend!
2004- Tinkerbell! Best made Halloween Costume (and no, I didn't make it, my roommate did...) |
2010- Hubs and I "just dating" at this point. Tooth fairy and little boy who lost his tooth. Corniest Halloween costume. |
2006- Marilyn Monroe Most Scandalous Halloween costume (I received some heat from my padres for this one, believe you me!) |
2009- Gold Diggers Most creative Halloween costume |
2006- Pirate. Lamest Halloween costume. |
And that's how I first knew Hubs wanted to marry me.
Because who plans a year in advance if you don't want to marry the person?!?!
And if that isn't a Halloween love story, I don't know what is.
***Disclaimer*** The pictures aren't in chornological order. And the formatting is a disaster. This is because blogger is dumb. The user of blogger (*ahem* me) is often sometimes dumb. This is the best you're going to get today, so don't leave me some comment saying this post don't look professional enough. I don't want to hear it!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to work on my killer costume and dip some caramel apples.