The Life of Bon: Bachelorette Gossip + $1,000 giveaway

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Bachelorette Gossip + $1,000 giveaway

First things first and the very first thing is that I absolutely have to talk to someone about The Bachelorette!  I watched the finale about 20 hours late and have therefore been avoiding the internet and all social media like the plague.  Now that I have actually watched it in its entirety, I am dying for some girl gossip!

The truth is I didn't like Desiree much at all.  I thought she was a very boring Bachelorette and it drove me crazy how she would say, "Oh, that's so cute," every time a guy would pour our his heart and soul to her.  I was mostly watching this season because it's tradition and because the guys were semi interesting.  I couldn't have cared less what happened to old Des.  And then, all of a sudden, I cared.  Brooks broke her heart and she just looked so pathetic and vulnerable, and wow!  Did I care!  I was ready to lead an army in the name of girls everywhere who have had their hearts broken by cute commitment phobes.  No girl deserves to feel heart broken even if she did just travel the world and make a buttload of money off of a TV show and get a huge budget for clothes alone and get to pick from 25 good loo.... okay maybe I don't feel as bad for her as I thought I did.

The point is, for such a boring season, it certainly delivered at the end.  I am pretty freaking stoked when it all worked out for her and Chris.  "Worked out" being a very loose term because we all know about The Bachelor's track records.  Still, their proposal was incredibly romantic and I might have cried just a little bit but don't tell anyone because that's just ridiculous. 

Also Juan Pablo as the next Bachelor?  I don't think any one is surprised on that one.  They were prepping him so hard core during The Men Tell All, it was pretty obvious what their goal was.  Still, I'm not opposed.  I'm guessing Bachelor's ratings must be at an all time low if they are already announcing the Bachelor for a season that doesn't even start until January.  

Phew.  I'm done.  I feel like my Bachelor need to gossip has been satisfied.  Oh- one last thing- I loved Brooks hair cut and scruff when he came out for the After the Final Rose.  Hubba Hubba!

Now I'm really done.

On to bigger and better things!  Thursday I was driving along and heard a radio announcement for a $1,000 back to school contest, and I thought to myself, "I sure would love to win $1,000 for back to school shopping."  Then I thought, "What if I gave $1,000 for back to school shopping?!?"  I proceeded to email all my favorite bloggers, ones who I know have loving and dedicated readers and who would be on board for a giveaway in four days.  Below are the chicas who said yes, and I couldn't be more excited.  I've got 20 of the best bloggers (and the most spur of the moment, down for anything bloggers!) on the internet today and I am so grateful for their willingness to pull this bad boy together.  In four days!  Here we are!

Enter below through the rafflecopter. Good luck ladies!

For Lauren and Lauren// Sami's Shenanigans// Back East Blonde

A Complete Waste of Make Up// Pretty in Pink Megan// Lipgloss and Crayons

Helene in Between// Shannon Hearts// Freckled Fox

Living in Yellow// Crowley Party

Winner will be announced on Wednesday, August 14th.  International readers may enter, but the prize will be sent in the form of a $1,000 visa gift card in American dollars.  ALL ENTRIES WILL BE VERIFIED. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Am I the only one who doesn't watch The Bachelor? I kinda want to get in on all the drama but I already have too many shows to watch. This money would definitely be going towards my plane ticket to Maui that I need to buy but have been putting off. Awesome giveaway!!

  2. I agree that this season was a bit of a snooze fest, but I can't seem to give it up! I would put the money towards the family vacation we are taking in October!

  3. I'd love to use this money to add more books to my library! We get such a small budget each year, and this would add so many good books! (Plus maybe a few for myself. ;) )

  4. I too loved how The Bachelorette turned out! All the spoilers said it would be Brooks and I'm so glad they were wrong. I am going back to teaching, and would love to have the extra money to stock my new classroom!

  5. I would put a lot of it back into blogging to help grow my blog. I would buy some cute clothes and books!
    Our Fairy Tale

  6. I would spend it on a homeschooling curriculum for my daughter. Where we live they don't have open preschool and since we "make too much money" she can't go. And trust me, we are not rich, lol! I would love to get her a top notch program to work with her at home this year! :)

  7. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I would spend mine on clothes!!!!

  8. Well....just lost my job unexpectedly so this would be a huge help on the survival front!

  9. wow, this post was like reading my exact thoughts on the bachelorette. I was so relieved that it was over! Hopefully Juan Pablo continues to be worth watching!

  10. I would use this money towards a new (to me) car. I almost have saved up enough but this extra money would put me where I want to be

  11. I'd put it away for our wedding next year :)

  12. I'm trying to be good and not spend a ton of money on new clothes this fall, but with a $1000 gift card I think I would splurge on a few nice sweaters! :)

  13. college loan payment.

  14. After a season apiece of the Bachelor and Bachelorette, I've sworn them off for good. Maybe I'll be ready for another round when I've had time to five years or so...

  15. new clothes for all my kids

  16. Firstly I'd buy a new bookbag, then I'd put the rest in savings. (We're working on putting a down payment on a house)

  17. I didn't watch this season of the Bachelor either because I thought Des was boring too...but I do love reading all of the blogger recaps and comments! As for the Back to School giveaway I would buy the adorable Tory Burch boots I have been lusting after for the past few years. Boots are my favorite part of fall fashion!

  18. I would buy my sweet lady a baby bike trailer so I can take her to the park. We are a one car family and the park is too far to walk to :( Also I would take my husband on a hot date!

  19. i would buy a plane ticket to go see my newly-long-distance boyfriend!

  20. credit card debt - this is almost the exact amount left on the card :)

  21. probably books... and put it towards our vacation we have coming up!

  22. I would probably use the money for a new laptop!

  23. I've been saving up to visit my family :) I would use this money for that dream! (I haven't seen my mom in over ten years!) thanks for the chance :)

  24. A new wardrobe and camera!

  25. Clothes if course.ans goodies for my new baby and home!

  26. Clothes and fun stuff to decorate my house with!

  27. The only thing I've ever known about the Bachelor is that the People Water guy did it. I don't really care to learn more about it, but I feel like I watch it when I read posts like yours!

    1. Also I would spend that 1000 bucks on shoes and a new set of kitchen ware. Gotta love new non stick pans!

  28. Saving for a trip to Russia after I graduate from University! $1000 would be SUPER helpful!

  29. I wish I could say that I would buy something super exciting but the $1000 would go towards paying down my credit card debt.

  30. I unfortunately am with Ashlee! ^^^ But the debt is from an awesome summer vacation so I can't complain!!

  31. I would honestly save the gift card for now and then go NUTS for my girls for Christmas!

  32. If I win this giveaway, I'll use the gift card to buy new luggage, clothes, and accessories for my trip to London this fall!!

  33. I would use the money for school! Going back in a few weeks and moola is TIIIGHT!

  34. I would spend the money on a birthday gift for my daughter and school clothes for my kids:)

  35. I'd spend the money on a nice backpack so I don't mess up my shoulders with a tote bag! Also could use a bike for getting around my campus. Thank you all for the wonderful opportunity!

  36. I would totally use the money for my tuition that is due in a few weeks.

  37. I love the idea of JP as the new bachelor and thank you for being part of such a great giveaway!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  38. I went to high school with Brooks so there's been all kinds of drama from everyone I know. Oh the joys of Idaho hitting the main stage. Whoop whoop!

  39. I totally understand the Juan Pablo fans... but I was really hoping that Zac was going to be the next Bachelor. I mean Juan Pablo has great looks and all I just don't know if I'll be able to do a whole season with that accent. :/

  40. Definitely treat myself and buy new luggage and take a nice vacation.

  41. I'd definitely go on one hecka huge shopping spree.

  42. I love how the show turned out! If I'd win, I'd purchase furniture for my living room.

  43. Our crazy high electric bill!

  44. I'd pay off some of my rent for my uni accommodation and spend the rest on my birthday next month.

  45. I absolutely love this idea for a giveaway! Thank you Bonnie!

  46. I'd spend the money on loooads of dresses from RUCHE and Target. Total opposite ends of the spectrum. You're welcome.

  47. Wow, thanks for the awesome giveaway, pretty ladies! I'd spend the money on some new, trendy-ish clothes (hello maxi dresses and chevrons!) and get my car windows tinted.

  48. Back to school clothes. And more clothes. And more clothes. And some shoes.

  49. oh wow! i'd use this $ to buy some much needed fall/winter clothes..long skirts/maxi's, cardi's, pants! and I'd also buy some things as gifts for some family members and then maybe save half for traveling to my hometown. thanks ladies so much!!

  50. Yes guilty! Bachelor and bachelorette Fan! I would by new clothes for the family! This kid grows so fast! Thank you!

  51. Hey girl, you did a really nice job on the giveaway, but it (I still love you, promise!) would have been REALLY nice to have clickable links in each of the entries. I imagine the bloggers involved would have liked that, too :)

    Anyway, great job on the entries so far!! You guys are a hit!

    1. Aunie, thanks so much for this comment! I really appreciate it. I didn't know that rafflecopter did clickable links for gfc and bloglovin... obviously I would have preferred that as it makes it SO much more convenient. Do you know how to do that?

  52. I am a Bachelor(ette)fan, too! I missed a couple shows being out of the country, but I was happy about the result. IMO, Brooks wasn't my fav at all. I saw how Des adored him, but I think he'd be happier with a guy. I'm glad he broke Des's heart earlier than later, and I'm glad she ended up with Chris. Juan Pablo was a shoe-in, but I didn't care for Emily Maynard's tweet about 'my prayers have been answered!'. Hasn't she taken up enough air time? She is beautiful, but I don't really care for her--so I am hoping she doesn't pop in on Juan Pablo's show. Let other women have a chance, girl!
    $1000 would be nice to have, and I think I'd put it towards an iPad or iPad mini, or some kind of Apple computer with Memory Flash--saw that in Berlin and it loads programs SUPER fast... thanks to all the ladies who added to the pot...!

  53. Brooks is SO much hotter with his haircut. Totally agree with you!

  54. Would spend it on school books for the upcoming year

  55. Anonymous2:14 PM

    My practical side would probably pay off some debt, but I don't really allow that side out of it's dungeon of despair. . .ever. So INSTEAD I would take a mini vacation somewhere with a shoreline and beautiful sunsets and a pair of Frye Boots for the fall! Only a few more weeks :)

  56. I've been hearing that this bachelorette finale was pretty dang dramatic!!! I took a break the past couple of seasons but I may be ready to go again in January! :)

    And I'd spend it on life: I'm a grad student so it'd help everything! :)


  57. I am an elementary school teacher and would use this money for back to school supplies for my classroom! Naturally, I'd by an outfit or two for myself. I work at a Title I school and this money would help A LOT!

  58. I've got my eye on a new camera that would help with my blogging! I may use it to buy books for school, though!


  59. I'd want to put it towards the last of my student loans!

  60. Ok I have never watched The Bachelorette ever.............

  61. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Yay for giant giveaways! My little family could definitely use a little help paying for all my school bills. =]

  62. I just started reading living in yellow last week and when I saw this giveaway I wanted to click on all of you girls and check ya out. Well 2 hours later I'm still on your blog and you've just gained a loyal reader : )



  63. I hadn't watched The Bachelor(ette) in some time and then got caught up in it again last season. I for sure thought Brooks was going to come back but am glad he didn't. Hope they found their happily ever after.

    As for the $$$ I would put it toward the camera lens that I REALLY REALLY want!

  64. This season wasn't the greatest, but I had to watch anyway!

    I'm moving at the end of this month, so I'd use it towards fun things for the new house and fun reunions with my friends! (Moving back to my old city!)

  65. Clothes, shoes, bags,repeat!

  66. I would use it to pay a bill or two and buy myself a nice outfit :)

  67. I would pay off a credit card and buy new clothes :)

  68. I'm not going to lie, I'm dying to go to Disney with my besties. We are all kids at heart :) This would definitely help the vacation fund!

  69. Ok, so I'm not going to lie most of that money would easily go to pay bills buuuut I do want to take the GRE soon for grad school so TECHNICALLY this would be going towards school. A really expensive test to go back to school because I guess I'm a little crazy.

  70. I'd most definitely use it for baby gear :)

  71. I would put it towards school books for the fall!

  72. I would spend my money on a vacation. Lord knows I could use one!

  73. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I would save it up to buy a house...or put it to our school debt! Boo. Or maybe I would get some nice new clothes for my husband!

  74. I would spend mine on shoes

    (Tammy Dalley)

  75. To Be Completely Honest... I would buy Books and Maybe Rent Out a Movie Theatre to watch my favourite movie and invite all my friends. :D

  76. I mean...what wouldn't I spend it on?! Probably some stuff for my nursery & hopefully something for me too - Mama needs a new pair of shoes! :)

  77. I would probably buy a nice weekend trip to Crater Lake with the boyfriend!

  78. Something real boring like school textbooks. Yay college!

  79. Anonymous10:58 AM

    This would be AMAZING to win! I would love to go on vacation with this prize. I haven't been on a real vacation in years and I've been wanting to take a surf trip to California so bad. I'd be thrilled to win, thanks so much! :)

  80. A vacation some place we've never been!

  81. If I win I will take my hubby to the Spa for a full day of pampering, buy a few pairs of shoes I have been lusting after, and take a Costco trip to stock up on groceries (gotta do at least 1 practical thing right ;) )

  82. I'd spend my money on polka dot jeans, books, and a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils.

  83. Textbooks and a backpack!

  84. Bills, bills ,bills, and more bills unfortunately!

  85. I'd spend it on supplies and clothes(:

  86. I would definitely spend it on my kids, and maybe a little bit on myself. 3 kids and 2 of them going back to school = $$.
    Oh, and Brooks haircut? Didn't see it until just now. Yum-o!

  87. I would spend the money on stuff for school and then probably give some to charity.

  88. Since it's for back to school, probably on some books regarding fitness/nutrition. It's something I've been interested in for the past year, maybe enough to go back to school for something in that field!
