Hello there darlings. December is march marching right along and guess who has all of her Christmas shopping done? THIS GIRL! I kind of started in October. Picked something up there. Something up here. And voila! Christmas shopping done! Now I can spend all the days leading up to Christmas grading research papers. Somehow, in my complete stupidity, I told 80 juniors that their five page research paper is due tomorrow... Monday, December 17. I clearly was not thinking. I know a lot of you college students out there like to complain about writing research papers but just remember there is someone on the other side of that- some poor soul who must grade all those papers. I don't want to grade them any more than my students want to write them- and yet the Utah Board of Education says I must teach research.
While I enjoy my last night research paper free I've got some lovelies who are going to share with you. I asked all the girls this month to share their favorite joke along with an intro to their blog. If there's one thing I know for sure- you can tell a lot about a woman by what she thinks is funny. So read their jokes, visit their blogs, and meet some new friends. Also, the giveaway ends Monday night so if you haven't entered yet get to it.
(Disclaimer: I am not ignoring the tragedy in Connecticut. I am still gathering my thoughts on it and plan to post about it... I just haven't quite figured out what to say/ how to say it/ what is happening in the world. So forgive me if you think I am being insensitive... I am not. Just need a little bit of time before I am ready to post about it.)
Hello! My name is Laurali Larson--Good to meet ya! I am the person behind Mommy Monologue. I blog about motherhood mishaps and triumphs, my job as a school counselor, faith, and lots of other random goodies. I've been married for almost 6 years and we have two sons---one of them just has a lot more hair and barks. I'm an old soul in a young body (though it feels old at times!) and I love having a creative outlet in blogging, photography and crafts! I hope my awkwardness comes across as endearing :)
JOKE: Hey, did you ever hear the joke about the two men hanging from the window? Yeah...their names were Curt and Rod.
Hello there, . I’m Kasey from Barely Fabricated; the blog that gives away tons of free money daily! FREE MONEY I TELL YOU! As if that’s not enough, I also offer foolproof advice on dating that can get even the homeliest of you ladies a date with a Matthew McConaughey look-a-like (Pre-anorexia, of course) in no time! I also write about your typical, run-of-the-mill stuff like the time I got rejected by a homeless man, and the time Obama kicked Michelle to the curb to be with me. If none of this appeals to you, I recommend you check out my blog anyway to make sure your kids are safe; sometimes I like to pick up stray kids from recess and force them to do my chores. See you soon!
JOKE: What is the best time to go to the dentist? Tooth-hurty
JOKE: A neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer. After the bartender slides one across the bar to him, he asks, "How much will that be?" The bartender replies, "For you? No charge!"
Joke: What fruit is twice as good as the others? A pear
OMG I started my Xmas shopping in October too!!! I do the same thing. I really think it helps me better manage my money when I do. Great group of girls!
ReplyDeleteI had 40 juvenile justice papers to grade over 2 days - i do it to myself every year and always wonder why! Alas, the job of an English teacher! I have been loving your blog for awhile now- thanks for reminding me why I give my heart and soul to my students!