The Life of Bon: A post about clothes

Sunday, March 31, 2013

A post about clothes

This weekend Hubs and I hit the town to do a little shopping.

Hubs is trying to not dress like a little boy anymore.

His words not mine.

So we hit City Creek in 70 degree weather to find him some new shirts, some nice slacks, and other important essentials that his wardrobe is most definitely missing.

The weather was beautiful!  We even ate our lunch outside!  The fountains were going!  Kids were running around shirtless.  (Okay, fine, they had their shirts on).  What a great day to go spring shopping!

Outside lunch at City Creek.  I look like a dinosaur.  Hubs looks like a chipmunk.

I promised myself not to buy anything.  Today was about Hubs' shopping needs, after all!

Three hours later, we were done shopping for old Hubs.  We had found just about everything that we needed.  The line was atrociously long at H&M so I thought, "Hey, while Hubs is waiting to buy this crap it can't hurt for me to just walk through the women's department, can it?  CAN IT?!?"  So I hopped upstairs and in three minutes flat managed to spend as much money as it had taken Hubs three hours to spend.  That my friends, is talent.  Or it's disgusting.  You take your pick.

Actually it was just one shirt.  Well, one shirt in three colors if you want to be technical about it.  Naturally, I convinced myself I needed every color.  It's just it's the perfect teacher shirt!  Comfortable while still being formal and incredibly cute.  Shirts like these are hard to come by!  Better snatch them all up when you got the chance!

But there's a coupla problems.
Problem #1:  The shirt was 30 bones.  Times that by three and I'm spending almost $100 bucks on a day I wasn't supposed to be shopping at all.  On only three shirts.  I'm a better shopper than that, I promise!
Problem #2: I had to throw one shirt in the wash after spilling butter on it at dinner. (Who doesn't spill butter all over their new shirt at dinner?)  When it came out it was a wrinkly mess.  One of those shirts!  The shirts that require you to iron it every time it's washed!  And since I have ironed approximately one time in my two years of marriage... buying three shirts that require constant ironing maintenance seems a little unrealistic for me.  Am I being incredibly lazy on this or smart?  Do you girlies iron your clothes?

So now the question is do I keep the shirts?  Or do I return the lovely little jewels?  And if so which one(s) do I return?  Here they are in all their glory!

I realize how incredibly awkward I look in these pictures.  I will never be a fashion blogger.

While we're on the topic of spring shopping- let's give some free shopping money away!  Why not?  Shabby Apple wants to give away 50 big ones so one of you can buy yourself a pretty little dress!  Or skirt!  Or swimsuit!  The options are truly endless!

I'm kind of madly in love with Shabby Apple.  The have the classiest and most chic clothing.  I would kill for this vintage swimsuit or this bright yellow dress perfect for teaching.  I don't know who they've got behind the scenes designing their clothes, but that woman needs to get paid more!

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Leave comment stating what you would buy from Shabby Apple

Just leave one comment telling me all the ways that you entered the giveaway and each way that you entered will be counted as its own entry.  Trying to keep this simple here.  Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.

May the odds be ever in your favor.

And don't forget to tell me if I should take back those shirts!


  1. I like all the shirts, but you should definitely keep the yellow or the blue if you are having to pick :)

    I'm a facebook fan of Shabby Apple, and I follow you on Bloglovin, GFC, Twitter, Instagram, pinterest.

    Also, I would Definitely buy the sand and sun blouse!!

  2. I like Shabby Apple on FB

  3. I say keep the blue one! It goes great with your hair and skin tone - either way you choose, I'd say just pick one because one will end up being your favorite and then you'll never wear the other ones. :)

  4. I follow you on bloglovin... and if you're going to take back the shirts, I would keep the mint one. I looks good on you, and it's more "springy".

  5. I follow you on twitter (@pina_colada23)

  6. I follow you on Pinterest

  7. I love the Calliope Skirt! Love love love!

    1. Totally didn't see your statement about putting all the entries in one comment... gaaaaaah, I'm SO sorry for cluttering up the comments! PEOPLE, don't make the same mistake I did! :P

  8. I like your tan shirt the best! I follow you on Instagram & Pinterest now and I would buy the Neap Tide dress from Shabby Apple!

  9. I would totally keep the middle shirt, and the 3rd one. I'm not a big fan of bright yellow, because it can be really hard to pair it with bottoms, and shoes.

    I've liked shabby apple on fb.
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    And if I had to choose one item to have from shabby apple it would be the poker face alice bracelet!

  10. Ah! Ironing is my least favorite!! I'm so bad and never do it! Sometimes if I HAVEEEE to... I just take my hair straightener to it. SO BAD! They are super cute though! Since I'm a shopping/spending enabler I say keep them ALL!!! But I really do love the gray (?) one! And blue! And yellow! In that order if that helps you narrow anything down ;)

    I love Shabby Apple too!!
    I liked them on fb, follow you on bloglovin', follow you on Twitter, follow you via GFC, following ya on Instagram, follow you on Facebook, annnnnd follow you on pinterest! (I'm a Pinterest sell out too)
    I'd definitely get a new swimsuit or the calypso skirt!!

  11. I like all of your shirts and the colors look great on you! I've likes Shabby Apple on FB, following you on bloglovin, FB, Instagram, Twitter, GFC, Pinterest.
    On Shabby Apple, I would pick the Heart of me dress or any of their lace numbers. I love that their stuff is beautiful and modest!


  12. Keep the blue, ditch the others. Color looks great on blondes. Well, it looks great on anyone. I'm a fan of color.

  13. If I were you, I'd definitely keep all three! I'm a teacher too and they are the perfect shirt, just like you described: comfortable, yet dressy enough to look professional. And I bet you'll get your money's worth out of the however many times you wear them in the next few years. Have you considered getting a steamer? Because if not, you should. We invested in one a couple months ago and it's made my life 1,000,000 times easier. All you have to do is push a button and it steams up and you steam your shirt, done! It literally takes less than 1 minute :)

  14. I love the shirts and the colors you chose, but if I was spending 30 bucks a pop and planned on wearing the shirts pretty frequently and then realized they didn't fit in with my lifestyle or time (ironing so frequently), I think I'd have to return them because I'm pretty sure there are other shirts out there that are more low maintenance for the same price! They look fabulous on you though!

  15. Shabby Apple has such cute stuff. And I love those shirts, but the ironing thing could be annoying.

    I follow you on GFC and Bloglovin. I like Shabby Apple on Facebook!

  16. I like shabby apply on fb and am a big fan of the music hall skirt. I follow life of Bon on blog lovin, gfc, Pinterest, Instagram, and fb. Stalker status? Ha. I love the shirts buttttt ironing is a pain. I'd keep yellow though. So springy.

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  18. I liked Shabby Apple on Facebook and follow you via Bloglovin.
    I also follow you on Twitter, GFC, and Facebook.
    I'd probably pick a skirt. Right now I'm loving the lemon drop one!

  19. First..I think you look great in the yellow shirt. (I think you look good in all..but if you are picking only one...go yellow)

    Second...These are the ways I entered SA giveaway!

    Like Shabby Apple on Facebook
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    I would buy the everything from Shabby Apple!

    Laura @ Mice In The Kitchen

  20. I like you in the yellow shirt but they are all very cute! I like shabby apple on fb and follow you on bloglovin. If I could pick I would choose the Whistlestop dress!

  21. Like Shabby Apple on Facebook
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    I really want a shabby apple dress. Any dress will do.

  22. i follow via bloglovin

  23. i like shabby apple on facebook!

  24. i follow you on twitter

  25. i follow you on gfc. (And keep the green shirt!) and I never iron!

  26. i follow you on facebook!

  27. i'd pick the oh baby dress!

  28. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I already like Shabby Apple on Facebook and I follow Life of Bon. I also follow you on pinterest. I love their dresses! So classy.

  29. I think you should just iron your shirts. :) If your hubs is going to start wearing nicer clothes, chances are he'll need things ironed too. You get faster at it with a bit of practice.

    But if ironing is too much for you, I vote for keeping the turquoise one. You look fabulous in it.

  30. i hate ironing. i've a stack of folded clothes on a chair in my room that's been there forever because to wear them i'd have to iron them. and i'm oh, so ocd, so i don't want to hang them up unless i've ironed them. (so i can take them off the hangers and wear them... make sense? it's just that hanging up wrinkled clothes makes me cringe, okay?) anyway. if you like the way the shirts feel on your body and you feel as though there will be days you need the pops of color they provide, if the things make you feel beautiful, then heck yeah! keep'm.

    but if you, like me, feel like ironing's one of the biggest bitches of chores ever known to man, take'm back.

    as for whether you should keep one and return the other two... wouldn't you have to keep the one you washed?

  31. Alright, I'll bite. Love Shabby Apple.

    Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram + the two mandatory ones.

    So for my H&M shirts that get wrinkly.. I never ever ever iron! Ever! You can dry it in the dryer for a couple min and just hang it up. OR you could put it on a hanger in the bathroom while you shower and don't put on the fan and it'll steam it. Or pretend it's supposed to look wrinkly, that's what I usually do.

  32. I follow:
    *Shabby Apple on Facebook
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    And I love the yellow Love pillow cover. Adorbs!

    Also, I would keep the shirts. If they are that comfortable then yes! I don't iron either but hanging up the shirts in the bathroom while you take a hot shower always does the trick:)

  33. I don't like the one in the middle. It washes you out I think. The bright colours are so much better on you.

    You need to buy a steamer. You will never iron again. It only takes 3 minutes and the dress/shirt whatever is wrinkle-free.


  34. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Keep the yellow and blue! :)

  35. I really like the blue shirt, if you're only going to keep one. They are cute, but ironing is a no-no around these parts.

    PS- I like yuo and Shabby Apple on Facebook and I follow you on pinterest.

  36. Keep one. I would keep the blue or yellow. I do not iron. I wash and then let iron things air dry. it sort of works if you pull on the fabric so that it lays right. I like you on Facebook.

  37. The teal one looks awesome on you... I'm to a huge fan of the other colors :)

    I hate ironing.... Like, with a passion. My husband irons everything. The day I went through the temple, I was running late (of course, like usual :) and I was running around frantically. He came to my house to pick me up and calmly asked me what I needed help with. I told him my temple dress needed to be ironed and he went and did it. My mom came and whispered to me that she knew he was a keeper just for the fact that he can iron. Ha!!

    1. That was supposed to say I'm NOT a huge fan of the other colors... Don't quite know how not turned to to... Duh.

  38. Queen of buying the same shirt/item in multiple colors and I say keep em all! They all look good and they're go to shirts. Easy peasy kind of outfit.

  39. I apparently follow you twice on Bloglovin...
    I like Shabby Apple on facebook (if you need me to email you my real name under which I like them, let me know).
    I follow you (and Hubs) on twitter.
    I follow you via GFC.
    I like you on facebook (again, if you need my real name, let me know).

    I really like Shabby Apple's "Fit & Flare" styles. I would probably buy the G. Cooper, which is very classic and sophisticated.

    If the shirts wrinkle, take them all back. I'm lazy. I don't iron.

  40. I follow you on Bloglovin'
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    I really like the Red Queen dress.

    And keep the shirt you had to wash.

  41. oh that's tough since the shirts are so cute. if it were me, i'd probably taken them back because i know i'd never want to iron them and then would never wear them. good luck with whatever you decide! :)

  42. I follow you on Bloglovin'
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    I like these dresses: Animalia, Cider, Decadence,and Champs Elysees!

    And I would keep the aqua shirt--looks fab with your skin tone!

  43. I would definitely buy a new skirt from Shabby Apple. Though it would probably take a month to choose which one! Haha

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    And I left a comment about Shabby Apple!

    I already followed you all those places. Haha. Stalker much?

    And I am totally loving those shirts! I think you should keep them! I don't mind ironing. Since I sew all the time, I iron almost every day. When I fold laundry, I just set aside the ones that need to be ironed and iron them the next time I am sewing something.

  44. You HAVE to keep the yellow and the green shirts - they look great!

  45. Followed The Life of Bon on Twitter
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    I adore the sea breeze dress!

    I love the blue on on you! its my favorite!

  46. Oh I have loved Shabby Apple forever!

    So, I like them on Facebook.
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    And I'm in love with ShabApple's Tea and Cakes Mary Janes :)

  47. Turquoise.

    High maintenance shirts are dumb. Unless they are like three dollars ;)

    Liked shabby apple on Facebook and following you on bloglovin' and gfc (I think...if I did it right!)

  48. Is it creepy that I already follow you on Twitter, Intagram and Facebook? Now I follow you on Pinterest and GFC. LOVE the Blue Eyes dress!!! Polka Dots!!

  49. I follow Shabby Apple on FB
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    I'd take back the gray shirt but keep the other two. Or if you have to choose just one, I'd pick the blue/teal one. I dont iron either. I'd just wash it in the washing machine and then immediately hang to try. Or a quick few minutes in the dryer on a gentle tumble then hang to dry.

    I love love the Alice dress from Shabby Apple

  50. Here are my entries...
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    What I would buy from Shabby Apple: Love the "serenade" dress

  51. the shirt is really cute but I'm completely against ironing so I would take it back. but thats just me.

  52. I would keep them and make sure I put my dryer on the wrinkle free setting...
    And since I commented on the shirts I might as well enter the giveaway, right?

    So if I was a winner I would get the Gondola dress-liking the coloring blocking (sorta) and the stripes!!!
    I have done every step except the Twitter one since I do not tweet.

    Thanks again for the great giveaway.

  53. I liked their page and follow you on BlogLovin!

  54. Oh, um, and I did all the other entries...


    Obviously I can't follow directions.

  55. Yellow looks best on ya! Id return 2 - too much ironing lol not my thang!

  56. I did all of the entries :) I love the salt water taffy blouse. I honestly dont think high maintenance shirts from H&M are worth $30. I'm sure they will go on sale soon anyways. Good luck making your decision ;)

  57. I liked them on facebook and follow(ed) you on bloglovin!

  58. I did all of the entries and would love to win because Shabby Apple has super cute clothes!! :)

  59. I did both the mandator(ies?) and followed you on FB!!! Also, I think you should keep the gray shirt but take back the other two. :)

  60. Either the yellow or blue, both look fantastic on you!!

  61. I liked shabby apple on facebook!

  62. I follow you on twitter!

  63. I follow you on pinterest :)

  64. I love the Zen Booties!

  65. I liked Shabby Apple on Facebook and am following you on Bloglovin'! BTW, keep the green cute ironing required shirt is enough for any girl's wardrobe...but that color is amazing!

  66. Definitely keep the two bright colours and return the middle one, those colours looks WAY better on your skin - middle is kinda drab!

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  72. i like shabby apple on fb!
    and i follow you on bloglovin!
    and i like you on fb!

    PS i'd keep the grey and teal. or if you're only picking one to keep, i'd keep the grey. but that's because i'm a crazy grey obsessed person. soo maybe pick the color you have less of already? good luck with that one.

  73. I follow Shabby Apple on FB
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    I would buy the Endeavour maxi dress - looks so comfy!

  74. I like Shabby apple on fb

  75. I follow you on twitter (patchnhearts)

  76. I follow you on instagram (kfnahas).

  77. I follow you on facebook

  78. I also follow you on pinterest and I totally feel like a stalker after typing each one of these :)

  79. I really want the Da Vinci dress! Looks so comfy

  80. I like Shabby Apple on FB

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  82. I follow you on Twitter
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    And I need a new dress :)

  83. I like Shabby Apple on FB
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    I would get the I'm Late I'm Late dress!

    Thanks for the chances!
    mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

  84. I Like Shabby Apple on Facebook
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    I really really want that Champs Elysees dress.

    Keep the shirts! They yellow one is adorable.

  85. Keep blue & yellow, take back the grey...because growing up should be fun, not boring and well grey makes people look boring. But black with color, yeah!

  86. keep the shirts! they look like the perfect teaching shirt. and they're adorbs!

  87. Bummer! There stuff is so fantastic, I almost wish I had FB. I do follow you on gfc. Is that enough to enter?

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  88. I'm not a big fan of hard to wash shirts so I'd probably keep the one that I already washed and take back the others. I love Shabby Apple too! I follow you on GFC, Bloglovin', Instagram and Twitter so basically I'm stalking you LOL! I like you on Facebook via Frugalista Married and I also like Shabby Apple under Frugalista Married. So that's 6 entries??? I'm bad at math. : )

  89. I like the yellow shirt the best on you!! Your color is definitely yellow, lucky!! :) I would love the tinsel town skirt! :)

  90. Love the shirts. Keep them.

    I follow SA on FB-karrie smith
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    I love the heart of me dress. Thanks for the chance to win!

  91. Keep the yellow and green and return the other.

    I Like Shabby Apple on Facebook - ellen casper
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    I would buy the Admiral Dress from Shabby Apple

  92. Like Shabby Apple on FB. Check! (Rachel Pennings)
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    And I am obsessed with the polka dotted Jacob's Pillow dress!
    Definitely keep the yellow one!

  93. Liked Shabby Apple of Facebook
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    I'd keep all of the shirts... They are appropriate for work and the weekend...

  94. I like Shabby Apple on Facebook
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    I like the Lace March Hare dress at Shabby Apple.

  95. 1. Like on FB (Haylee Atkinson) and following you on bloglovin!
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    5. I would LOVE the high tea skirt!

  96. Liked Shabby Apple: Jenna Dillon
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    I would love the One For My Baby dress :)

  97. Liked Shabby Apple on Facebook - Alycia H
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    I'm in absolute LOVE with the Walk the Plank dress!! Good luck returning your shirts ;)

  98. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Comfortable while still being formal and incredibly discount codes Better snatch them all up when you got the chance!
