Has spring come to your neighborhood yet? In my neck of the woods, spring is doing a whole lot of teasing. Like that pesky old boyfriend that will never quite give you a commitment. He comes for one day then goes for a week, comes for two days then leaves for another five. Today he is here. And I love him. I'm begging him to stay. I've heard rumors he's leaving after the weekend, but I need him here always, dang it!
That got weird. Moving on. These sponsors below are here to tell you about their most memorable spring break. Tell us in the comments which spring break story you like the best- the winner will get free ad space in May and so will one lucky commenter. Win win my friends! Oh, I love it when everybody wins! (Oh, and while you're commenting why don't you tell us you're best spring break story?!?)
Blog: She Does Justice is a blog and shop that rallies around organizations who are doing great work loving the least of these.
Most memorable spring break: When I was in 4th grade my family took a trip to Florida. It was my first time in the ocean and I was stung my a Portuguese Man of War...go google an image! It was terrifying and I had an allergic reaction to the poison. BUT...I went into the ocean just a couple of days later because I am hard core like that. ;)
Blog: I write a lifestyle blog where I primarily discuss relationships (marriage in particular), faith, my battle with body image, and the little in betweens.
Most memorable spring break: My best, but most strange, spring break was my honeymoon. We headed to Lake Tahoe on the Nevada side and it was COLD! It was snowy and super windy and the most ridiculous spring break getaway anyone could have chosen. It was also pretty awesome. I don't have any wild and crazy spring break stories for you, but I can tell you this: It's unusual to get snowed in on a spring break trip, but a couple of newlyweds sure can have a good time with that ;)
Blog: smart. serious. snarky.
Most memorable spring break: My grandmother and her brothers each bought a cabin on the frying pan river in Basalt, Colorado. we used to spend every christmas there. we spent a lot of spring breaks there, too. when my grandmother passed away, the cabin went to my mother, her brothers and her nephew. after several years, my uncles and cousin didn't want it, so we sold it to my great uncle. the month or two before, my brother, his wife, a group of our friends and i went to the cabin for one last spring break. they went skiing. i walked around basalt taking pictures of everything so i wouldn't forget. of course, i used my mother's digital camera. and she wiped the memory card before i could save them. but fortunately, the wife of one of my great uncle's grandchildren took this lovely photo, and that's memory enough for me. that and that week with my brother.
Blog: A peek into our little world!
Most memorable spring break: My husband and I got married while he was still in dental school so I got to have "spring break" several years after I started working. For our first spring break together as a married couple, I accompanied Forrest on a dental mission trip to Costa Rica. It was SUCH a beautiful country and we had an amazing experience. We went to 5 different villages and the dentists helped countless people for free. My job was to sanitize the instruments, which was perfect for this germaphobe! At first, I couldn't watch the dentists perform any of their procedures (I'm a lawyer, I don't do blood), but on the last day, I got to give an injection (supervised) and pull a tooth! It was a totally fantastic trip, not only because we were able to see a new country, but because we got to play a role in changing so many lives!
Blog: A blog about life with kids...and trying to see the silver lining in everything.
Most Memorable Spring Break: I'm going to date myself now and say that my junior year of college (in 1998- yikes!), I went to Daytona Beach with my roommate and her boyfriend. My boyfriend (at the time) was already in Daytona for Spring training (he played baseball) with his college team. We spent one day in Orlando and went to Universal Studios. The rest of the time, we spent in Daytona. We did the club thing. We did the beach thing...all of it was fun, but no wild and crazy stories. Frankly, I barely remember it...I guess that's cause there was a lot of drinking. The only other part I remember is singing at the top of our lungs on the drive down. Although it wasn't particularly memorable...my college roommate and I are still best friends and have made plenty of other amazing memories together.
Blog: With a little bit of love, and a little bit of coffee, I get through life one day at a time.
Most memorable spring break: My first spring break in college (as well as my second and third!) were not spent on a warm beach. Oh no. Instead, I opted to go with a group from school to the Appalachian mountains to do some service work. While most college students were busting out their swimsuits and partied in hotel rooms, we layered up in old blue jeans and sweatshirts while huddled around a space heater in the 90+ year old house we were tearing apart because it didn't have any heat and there was snow on the ground. Basically... it was awesome. We slept in bunkhouses, took cold showers, made our own meals, line danced with the locals, listened to folk songs about roosters (no joke), and tore down drywall. There was so much dust in the air when I blew my nose for the next week black came out. (You think I'm joking but I"m not...) But then, to the envy of all of the girls on campus, the hot senior carried me up and down a mountain (TWICE!) to see the sunrise. Needless to say - mountains trump the beach for spring break!
Most memorable spring break: During college I was a Resident Advisor in the dorms, so most of my spring breaks consisted of crushing the hopes and dreams of rebellious freshman who wanted to drink and do drugs. I also knitted a lot during that time. And yeah, I was super popular.
I like Catherine's Spring Break story.
ReplyDeleteAs for my most memorable spring break, I ended up in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi with my mother and grandmother. We got lost on a highway that, no joke, was a dirt road in rural Arkansas. I peed on a highway when I was stuck in a 6-hour traffic jam and really had to go. Oh yeah, and my mom and I nearly got arrested for stalking the cast of Duck Dynasty. Memorable, indeed. (And yes, this all happened in a span of 4 days.)
I like Catherine's story too.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite spring break story would have to be the trip to Fiji that my husband and I went on a couple of years ago. We stayed in an amazing resort where we had our own butler, people to bring cocktails to our sun lounges by the pool and totally fell in love with the kind people. I cried on the last night because I was going to miss the Fijians so much- ha ha
I loved Emmy's spring break story, any songs about roosters are automatic winners!
ReplyDeleteAs to my best spring break story I quite literally haven't had a spring break before....so yeah.
Ashlee's story is the funniest, at least for someone who loves irony. But I also like Catherine's, if only because she earns mad props for injecting someone!
ReplyDeleteMy best spring break... I've had a lot of good ones. :) One year, my family and I took a trip to Atlanta because the High Museum was showcasing an exhibit of Impressionism (I've been obsessed ever since). We spent another spring break in Savannah. One of the best trips we took was to New Orleans. My college trips were pretty lame by comparison. The beach... Disney World... staying home and doing nothing...
But my best spring break was my second year working in France. My teaching contract was October to April, and my academic region's "spring break" happened to be the last two weeks of April. I lucked out to teach during the year with exchange students. Many of my students had visited New York during October, and their American pen pals came to visit France that April. For the first week of break, the French and American students had several field trips planned. Well, due to lucky circumstances, one of the chaperones was unable to attend, and the school needed me to step in. So I was able to do fun excursions with the students for free! The best was touring the Château de Chenonceau. I'd been there before as a student during undergrad, but that was in the fall. Seeing it in the spring, with all the beautiful flowers, was truly a wonderful experience.
I like sharlee's story. I wouldn't mind getting snowed in on my honeymoon ;) ... if you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteSpring breaks are frowned upon at BYU, so unfortunately I don't have a story to share!
I like Ashlee's spring break story! I laughed when I read it!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I really had an exciting spring break since elementary school. My parents took me Disney World one time. That was fun!
I vote Ashlee! That would have been me if I was an RA but I wasn't cool enough.
ReplyDeleteI don't really have a spring break story. I never went away for it :-( I preferred to save my money than get drunk with a bunch of people I didn't really like. Wow.... so cynical of me.
do you still have medium spots for may? i want one if you do. if you insist on an email, i can probably get my butt in gear and email you:)
ReplyDeletecatherine's story is my fave mostly because i went to costa rica and it wasn't my fave so i'm glad someone loved it. holy run on sentence. sorry teacher.
i went to BYU so we had no spring break. it's pretty awesome to have spring break as a working professional though. also if spring is not here to stay i will throw a fit.
hahahaha Ashlee wins, for sure, because the majority of my spring breaks were just about that exciting. Also, i wrote a blog post about this a few weeks ago... lets just say my most memorable spring break involved knocking out my front tooth. 10 years ago... and I still don't have a permanent replacement.
ReplyDeleteI love Emmy's story. Sounds like it was a great trip.