Alright, folks, a couple of quick announcements for you:
#1: I have a couple of medium and small spots open for April sponsorship. I'd love to have you along! All rates and sponsorship info can be found here. If you are interested email me at and we'll get you good to go!
#2: Make sure you finish Divergent! We are discussing the book on Thursday. Tomorrow I will put up some questions for the book to help you out if you don't know what to say about it. I know a lot of you have been reading, so I'm stoked for our discussion.
#3: Time for another roundtable! If you are a local blogger, (Provo to Salt Lake area in Utah) this is for you! In the past I have done themes for the roundtables, but this time around I just kind of want to rehash EVERYTHING. Blogging is such a changing business and there is always new stuff to discuss. If you have come before COME AGAIN, and if you haven't ever been, then spring is the perfect time for new beginnings. I promise t's not threatening at all. We are all just trying to figure out this blogging game together and coming together to share ideas is the perfect way to grow. We will hold it in my living room and I will make you all some Bonnie specialty guacamole and strawberry lemonade!
I'm feeling a bit frustrated with myself tonight. My mom has always called me "sassy." A lot of times I like this characteristic in myself, but it can turn mean. I feel like I have this totally bratty side to myself that rears its ugly head when I'm not looking. Then I wonder if all the niceness and friendship and the sweet things I try to say and do is the real Bonnie, or if it's just some cover up. If the real Bonnie is there, underneath it all, armed and ready with a quick retort, a jabbing comment, a spiteful remark. Yesterday I made a comment on facebook that I wasn't proud of and found myself feeling a great need to apologize today. (I swear, facebook brings out the worst in me sometimes!) So I did, but it doesn't take away the fact that it happened. Then I said some mean things to Greg this afternoon that were uncalled for and that I regretted almost the second I had said them. It's so weird with spouses or the people we care most about... it is so much easier to say the mean things. I care about Greg more than anyone, yet sometimes my words or actions toward him aren't nearly as kind as they are to perfect strangers.
Ah, it's an ongoing battle this kindness business. Why isn't it just easy?
Moving on, I have three beautiful ladies here today that would love to get to know you better and connect with you in this big blogging world we have. Without further ado...
Jordyn is obsessed with Taylor Swift and claims she should rename her blog, "Like a Taylor Swift song, but less catchy." (Hey, Jordyn looks just like Taylor- why not!) Her blog's got lots of sass and spunk. For a great slice of Jordyn try "Love yourself the way you love your bestie" or this post on how to do a diy honey facial. (I'm all for finding cheaper ways to care for my skin!) My personal favorite, though, is this post about lessons learned from being a "serial monogamist." Some amazing advice there, Taylor... errr Jordyn!
I have really enjoyed reading Karissa's blog and getting to know her better this month. She is a writer first and foremost, and many of her posts have really made me think. In April she is doing a blog every day challenge, and I look forward to reading her insights every day. I think my favorite post of hers has to be this one on 7 lessons learned in 7 years of parenthood (My favorite line: "There will be a lot of people who have opinions... most of these opinions suck. HA! Preach, girl!) and I also loved her thoughts on marriage and soulmates. (Hint: Our soul mate is who we make our soul mate) My favorite line from her post: "Most marriages work if you fight for them to work."
Celeste is a blogger who somehow manages to do it all- she blogs like a fiend, is mama to a beautiful ten month old, and just picked up a freelance writing gig. I have been so inspired by Celeste to do more and push myself harder and be more creative- this post on what is inspiring her was absolutely beautiful. Her blog is a great mix of serious and fun- I find myself incredibly drawn to some of her more serious, thought provoking posts. This post on the price women pay for "beauty" was incredibly insightful and I really enjoyed this one on disciplining children.
I hope you spend a bit of time getting to know these ladies. They are beautiful inside and out and I have loved getting to know them better this month. Now, while you are all reading up on some new blogs I am going to go see if I can't figure out how to be a nicer person. Happy Tuesday!
So true. Sometimes the meanest person can come out of me and I have to be like "Woah, is that me? What's going on?" Glad to know it's somewhat normal.
ReplyDeleteYour frustration with yourself is exactly how I feel a lot too! I want to be an encouraging, loving, inspiring person to others, but so many times I find myself saying hurtful things. Yes, I do the same thing to my boyfriend, sometimes he gets the worst of it and I feel awful because I truly do care the most about him. We tend to do that to the people we know will love us regardless. There is no fear that they will not love us and somehow our brain makes us think it's ok to lash out. I've done it a few other times on social media & blogging. I did it to a lady who commented on your blog actually, I felt terrible because I could have been nicer about my argument, but I used my words to be mean. That wasn't the person I desire to be. I have to remind myself that we're all human and I can't beat myself up about it forever, but I need to be more aware in the future to control my tongue and speak with my heart. It can be such a struggle for the fiesty/sassy ones though. It honestly makes me feel better to hear someone else say how I feel about that... to know I'm not alone and to know that it doesn't have to define me. I can admit it and move forward with the intention of using my words for the better.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could make it to your round table, sounds fun and what I need. Unfortunately I have to work that night. Hopefully I can come to the next one. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI have loved your blog since I found it...your honesty strikes me the most when I need it. My husband has the most perfect heart, filled with kindness and patience. I, however, struggle with kindness when I am having a rough day and nothing seems to be going right, and even when that has nothing to do with him at all, sometimes it ends up having everything to do with him. Thank you for the reminder that I'm not alone, and tomorrow is a new day of kindness.
ReplyDeleteOh Divergent... I'm really excited to see your thoughts on Thursday.
ReplyDeleteI'm guilty of saying some really craptacular things to Eric for no good reason and regretting them the second they escape my lips. You're not alone.
ReplyDeleteI really like your blog and especially this post. I also have one of those "sassy" personalities that can turn mean in an instant and I HATE IT. I feel like people don't think of me as anything more than a quick-witted jerk but I really do try to be a nice person! Here's what helps me: Speak slowly and quietly. It's a lot harder for me to be sarcastic when I'm speaking in a soft, low voice. I don't know why I wanted to share that with you, but your blog post really spoke to me and I wanted to tell you how I felt. Thanks for your honesty! I think you're great!
ReplyDeleteAh, bummer, I'll come to next roundtable! I have class that night :P Three more weeks of classes and then I'll be doing online stuff again and can come!
ReplyDeleteHuman relationships are incredibly fragile, aren't they.
ReplyDeleteHum, I have bought Divergent into my Kindle like a year or more ago and I still have not started, and with the movie coming....
Love these blogs! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteAh I wish i could come to the round table, but honestly... Florida is slightly better. next time! :) i will be there! have fun!
ReplyDeleteI don't know the other 2 bloggers yet but I'm already blogging friends with Celeste and I can testify that the girl is so sweet. She is incredible nice and real. Her son is precious and her husband is easy on the eyes. Her whole family is adorable. You will enjoy reading her blog-promise!
ReplyDeleteI unintentionally can participate in the book club this month! I started the series on Friday and finished today... I have no life and enjoy reading. The questions are going to be a huge help on keeping me from giving spoilers lol. I look forward to this!