Sunday, September 15, 2013


Twas indeed, my friends! Twas a weekend to be celebrated, to be hailed, to be remembered for time and all eternity.  Twas a weekend for the books!

In a less dramatic tone, it was a weekend full of all of the things weekends are supposed to be full of.  Books, movies, baseball games, state fairs, family, ice cream and lots and lots of sleeping.  Now that, my friends, is a weekend!

It started Friday night when Greg's parents invited us to a Bees game with them.  We haven't been to any baseball games this summer yet- travesty!  So we donned our favorite baseball caps and headed on over to the ball park for hot dogs and peanuts and the likes.  There was only a slight moment of panic when we realized we didn't have any cash for parking, but was quickly resolved when I ran into Maverik to buy a candy bar and get $20 cash back, thank you very much!  Disaster deterred!

It was especially fun to be at the game with Becky and Gary.  Gary played years of competitive softball- all the way into his 40s and 50s- so he knows a thing or two about the game.  He filled us in on all the details.  I consider myself pretty well versed on the ways of all things baseball, but I learned a thing or two on Friday night, yes I did!

Maybe my favorite thing about the night was how close I felt to my dad.  Whenever I do what my dad loved to do- wake up early to make breakfast, go fishing, look at the stars, work in a garden, go for a bike ride, watch a ball game- I feel him with me.  Dad was a huge baseball fan and especially a Minnesota Twins fan so I wore his old hat for extra good juju, and felt him there with me all night long.  There was a young family behind us Friday night, and I listened as the dad explain to his daughter what an inning was and an out and a ball and a strike and what batting order means.  It made my heart hurt in the happiest way possible, remembering the ball games that my dad spent explaining all things baseball to me.  Thanks dad.   I felt him there with me so strongly that I had to wonder if my old man has taken up his permanent post live residence in a ball park.

While I was enjoying the beauty of a fall evening watching baseball, my little sister was busy getting engaged.  She called three times during the game and when I noticed the missed calls, the game was almost over.  People were cheering and fireworks were going off and it was pure pandemonium.  So I told her to text me whatever she had to sad.  She replied, "Step out and call me."  I said, "No.  I really can't.  It's so loud and crazy.  Just text."  Naturally, I felt like a real crapper of a sister when she texted me this:


Now she ain't marrying no fine looking red head like I did, but we're still happy to have Trent in the family, mostly because he plays Risk in the most cut throat, aggressive manner possible and really- what other way is there to play Risk?  When I saw him attack eight countries in one turn, I had nothing but respect for the man. Welcome to the fam, Trent!

Mary came up Saturday morning to get ice cream with me and dish on all the juicy engagement details.  I, in turn, tried my best to prepare her for the worst three months of her life.  She didn't believe me and she said her engagement will be much easier than mine because she's not so opinionated and stubborn like I am.  I said how rude.

Saturday afternoon Greg was working away so I convinced my mom to hit up the state fair with me.  I love everything about state fairs.  The crazy people, the fried foods, the ridiculously priced ferris wheels. It's a gold mine. We took my niece mostly to justify our desire to go and then proceeded to spend the entirety of the state fair scaring the living daylights out of her.  She ain't one for big rides but we did our best to toughen her up.

Ride #1:  THE SLIDE.  Pre slide we were all systems a go. Emery was excited as can be and begging for it.

About two seconds in she clenched on to me for dear life and cried a cry that would melt the hearts of even the most evil members of humanity.

RIDE #2:  The airplanes.

Alright, so the slide didn't work so well, but we certainly thought she could handle the airplanes.  She begged over and over to go on the "pane!" so we said, "YES!  This we can handle!"

Pre airplane- all systems a go.  She was ready and smiling!

Just please notice below her face of pure panic as the plane started to take off.  The second she felt that initial lurch she looked over at me with that look that said, " You've got to be kidding me?  AGAIN, you evil aunt!?!?"

She found her way into my lap, naturally.

Post ride: "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?!?"

Ride #3:  THE CAROUSEL.  Again, pure panic.

Toward the end of it, she finally started to warm up just a little bit.  SUCCESS!  The ride to ride is the carousel!

But what did dear Emery really like most you might wonder?

Why, the deep fried Snickers, of course!

Today has been a great day of church and Sunday naps and dinner at my mom's.  This weekend was needed in the worst kind of way.  I feel so refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to tackle the week.  Weekend, you have done me good!


  1. My goodness, she has the cutest crying face of all time! Looks like a fun, fun weekend.

    Have a great week!

    XOXO Fal

  2. I love the sequence of her expressions..adorable!

  3. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I have been there with my niece and the carousal is the winner though nothing beats a deep fried candy bar. And I hope that guy that photo bombed your family pic enjoyed it being shared. I agree that you had all the elements of the perfect weekend. I love fall for this.


  4. omg that face, too much! sooo funny! glad she got into the swing of things by the end!

  5. Anonymous8:19 PM

    What a great weekend! Congrats to your sister! Love baseball, it brings back so many childhood memories of baseball with my dad too. That slide at the fair looks super fun!

  6. Those are the absolute best ride pictures EVER! I love that you and your Mom are so happy in all of them even when Emery is crying. Congratulations to your sister!

  7. Love that Trent isn't afraid to play a dirty game of risk, he'll be a good one to have in the family!

  8. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Looks like you had a great weekend :) xxx

  9. Awwww, I love it! I love it all...

  10. i am so sad we missed out on the fair. we even had FREE TICKETS. i know, i know. that funnel cake was calling my name, and i failed it :(

  11. Love your Mom...she has to be the most patient lady I know and just seems to remember and take time for everyone. She remembers stuff about me from long ago (note LONG AGO) seeing as you were a toddler when she was my YW's leader. What a great lady and grandma. So fun you get to enjoy her so often.

  12. Haha. We just took my daughter to the fair and she had the same reaction to the slide. Poor thing.

  13. I love Emery's faces. Deborah keeps laughing at them.

  14. Your poor niece haha. My daughter acted the same way on the carousel. Like, this is fun!! She was going "No. No. No no no no." Poor kids.

  15. Too funny! Loving the crying pictures, especially the ones where you're laughing your head off.
    Why are boys so crazy over risk? My husband once donned a tea towel as a headscarf and shouted his way around the living room as he defended his last remaining territory- Afghanistan. Fun times!

    Love your blog girl :)

  16. You are so evil... I like how you have this huge maniacal smile while Emery is in tears... I bet Dennis is about to strangle you. lol. You'll see when you have a kid. AWesome pic of Mary and Trent... thanks for posting it. They could use it for their invitation!

  17. Congrats to your sister!

    I love when you talk about your dad. It's the little things that remind of us of the people who are gone. I wear my late grandmother's diamond ring almost every day, and it makes me feel closer to her.

    Your niece is adorable.

  18. Anonymous1:26 PM

    First of all, I was hoping for some Gary quotes. Second of all, that's probably definitely a possibility that's high on the list for ways that I'm going to find out my sister got engaged.
