The Life of Bon: Why do blogs suck?

Monday, September 02, 2013

Why do blogs suck?

First off:  I'm sorry, mom.  You see guys, my mom doesn't like it when I use the word "suck."  She likes the word "crummy" instead.  But we all know that "Why are blogs crummy?" does not carry nearly the same punch as "Why do blogs suck?" (Unrelated but semi interesting: Other fairly harmless words I was not allowed to say growing up: shut up, crappy, piss.)

But back to the title!  I've noticed lately that some of my favorite blogs kind of suck lately.  And I am wondering why?   I used to read some blogs every day no matter what, and now it's all I can do to check in once a month with them.  I can't exactly put a finger on why I stop reading them, I just stop feeling engaged or connected or something so I stop reading.

9 Reasons I May Possibly Stop Reading a Blog? 
(There are lots of question marks because these are all just educated guesses as to why I stop reading... it's honestly so hard to put a finger on it.)

1.  Too much gushy with the boy?  I get that you're in love, but sometimes this gets overplayed and I get kind of bored of it and want something more interesting?  Not that being in love isn't interesting, but I hardly think your significant other should be the most interesting thing about you.  I will generally disengage if I think a blogger talks about her significant other too much.

2.  Too much sponsoring?  I think this one is pretty huge as I have watched several of my favorite blogs rise in popularity and then fall victim to the ubiquitous sponsoring demons.  I will say, though, that balancing blog and sponsorship/ blog "business" is an extremely difficult task so I'm certainly not blaming anyone.  When someone is offering you money/product to post about something it is hard to say no, because you know, bills...  Also most bloggers who are at the point to receive sponsorships have put in an absurd amount of hours to get there so maybe it feels good to finally receive a bit of compensation?  Still though, I believe that a blogger must maintain some balance.  I usually schedule two sponsored posts/giveaway/not authentic writing posts a week but am trying to take it down to one as lately I have felt my blog has been too "sponsory".   I can honestly say that I have stopped reading several blogs because it was never the blogger anymore, it was constantly someone else posting on the blog or a giveaway or review.  Now, I'm not going to come at the blogger because I know exactly how difficult the balance is and I respect the work they put into their blog.... I just might not read  anymore.

3.  Inauthentic feel?  This one is maybe more difficult to identify but I guess sometimes I just feel like a blogger isn't talk to me straight.  In real life I gravitate toward people who are straight forward and honest.  Or "real" as we may term it in the blogging world.  Likewise, I gravitate toward the same type of blogger.  I think a blog may start to become inauthentic for a lot of reasons.  Sponsorship certainly plays into it- I get tired of a blogger trying to sell me that I don't believe they themselves actually like that much.  I think more bloggers need to say no to endorsements they don't agree with or post a negative review of the product.  This summer for the first time I received two products that I refused to endorse because I would never recommend the product to a friend so I felt shady recommending it to readers.  It was pretty uncomfortable telling the sponsor (after I had received the product) that I wouldn't post about their product, but it felt better to me than trying to make up some crap to feed the people that read this blog.  People that I respect and am so completely grateful that read this blog.

It's not just the sponsorship thing though... sometimes I think a blogger may start to get inauthentic when they start gaining an audience just because they don't want to offend anyone.  Negative comments suck and people talking trash about you on the internet really does sting, so I think some people just stay on the "nice fence" to avoid offending anyone.  Unfortunately, to me at least, this is also boring.

4.  Too many baby pictures?  This kind of goes along with #1.  I think it's great when people have babies, but I don't think it should change the whole tone of the blog and I don't think what was once a fashion blog or a teaching blog or a recipe blog should become a baby blog.  It is interesting that you have a child, yes, but I don't think being a mom should now become the most interesting thing about you.  One of my favorite fashion bloggers who gained a huge following now just posts random, occasional pictures of her kid.  It's not interesting to me anymore and her outfit posts are few and far between.  I started following her for her outfits, not for her kid.

5.  No other hobbies/ work? This one is truly confusing to me as it seems to make absolutely no sense but sometimes I feel like the people who have the most time for blogging are the least interesting bloggers?  You would think that all the extra time to blog would lead to better content, but it doesn't seem to.  This is the case with me, too.  This summer I had huge plans to focus on the writing on my blog, learn something about taking pictures, pitch to a few sites that I want to write for.  Instead, my July traffic was the lowest its been in six months and I could barely bring myself to do anything with my blog- and I had all the time in the world.  On the contrary, once I started up school again and my life became every version of stressed and frantic possible- the quality of my writing picked up and so did my traffic.  It seems like the busier I am with life the busier I am with my blog and the more successful the blog is.  It's the worst kind of Catch-22 imaginable!  There have been a few blogs I have followed where the bloggers has been able to quit her job or stay at home with her kids and for whatever reason the blog just doesn't engage me anymore.

6. Too many pictures of  herself/ narcissistic?  I get that blogging by nature is a narcissistic pursuit, but I do think a blogger can be too into themselves.  I get it.  You're wearing a bracelet and heels.  I don't need twelve pictures of that and then fifteen pictures tomorrow of your different jeans.  Maybe this bothers me?  With some bloggers I don't seem to mind as much as with others, so there is nothing definitive here.  Help?

7.  "All I do is drink"?  I know I'm going to get some guff for this one, but if I'm blogging in the name of honesty here I will say that constantly drinking/talking about drinking/ posting pictures of drinks turns me off to a blog after awhile.  I don't care at all if bloggers drink, but I guess I could compare the way some bloggers talk about drinking to the way some bloggers talk about their kid.  We get it.  You like it.  Now talk about something else.  I certainly don't need to see a picture of your drink every single post just like I don't need to see a picture of your baby every single post.  If I feel like a post is too "drink heavy" I inevitably start to read less. There are more exciting things for me to read about than what a blogger drank Wednesday-Sunday night. 

And now I wonder if there is something seriously wrong with me for comparing having a child to drinking.  Surely they are nothing alike. Or are they?  I've never done either.

8.  Too rich for my blood?  I suppose this one has to do with money, but it also just has to do with the overall attitude of the blog.  Sometimes I get the feeling that a blogger is too "rich" for me.  Everything they wear is expensive and I would never be able to buy without first puking my guts out from pure guilt/ gluttony.  Even if a blogger isn't rich they sometimes start to "feel rich"- they don't return comments or emails or tweets or they look too cute all the time?  It's weird but I like to see my favorite bloggers looking less than stellar sometimes.  Maybe?  None of this makes sense.

9.  Too many sheep?  A lot of blogs are the same as other blogs.  I generally stop reading a blog if I don't feel like it is bringing anything new to the great blogging table.  A blog doesn't have to be edgy or controversial for me to read it, it just has to provoke me or stimulate my mind in a way that other blogs don't.  I guess in our age of "anyone can get rich off of a blog!" there are a lot of sheep blogs.  You know, bloggers who like to shop at Target and do DIY on the weekend and "I've got a great new recipe to share with you that I just found on someone else's blog!"  I guess if I don't see anything real original or fresh in a few month period I stop reading.

Alrighty.  I'm done.  I think?  What about y'all?  What has made you stop reading some of your faves?


  1. I totally agree on all of these! Well said. I have actually stopped reading a lot of blogs due to these same reasons. Oh and also, I wasn't allowed to say any of those same words, and also "pee" was a no-no, so don't feel bad! :)

  2. I agree with most of what you have here. I think that sometimes though, blogs just go through phases, growing pains, if you will. People get excited about new things and sometimes go overboard, but I think that a LOT of blogs level out. Sometimes they go all whacky and get better as they settle into a new style. But sometimes, it's best to just call it a loss, that is for sure.

  3. Loving this post.
    Getting no guff from me.

  4. I agree. I've also noticed that I stop engaging in blogs when I'm busy. I am more likely during these times to click links on twitter or read posts I get to my email, but otherwise I just don't have time. Then I feel guilty!

  5. Agree with you! I write my blog for me and I enjoy doing so. If someone like it wonderful, if not that's ok too. I understand that not every blog is for every person. I don't like reading a blog that seems too narcissistic or is only giveaways and ads.

  6. What has turned me off is the overabundance of sponsored posts/giveaway posts. The sponsored posts just do not show the authenticity of the blog. And, I feel like when you have a giveaway every-single-day it feels like you are just trying to buy your readers. Most of the time it just doesn't seem genuine.

  7. Hahaha! I like this post. It is so many things I have thought but did not have the guts to say. Especially about the bloggers who drink. I am seriously concerned for some livers out there. Keep on being awesome!

  8. I loved reading this and especially agree at the baby, and the vanity/narcissistic outfit posts. Too much of that, bad bad bad.

  9. I stop reading when I regularly comment for an extended period of time but never receive any comments back on my posts. Interesting post!

  10. Completely agree! Being new to blogging, I think the "too many sheep" one is mainly why I stop reading. So many blogs are too similar to each other!

    <3, Charlotte

  11. I agree about sponsorship stuff. I felt it when I started doing too many reviews and not enough writing. I really scaled back on the reviews and worked on my content, and saw a difference immediately.

    Buuut I did change my blog over time after I had a baby. I'm more of a mommy blogger now. Though it can be annoying if the blog does a complete 180. Maybe work in the baby details ;)

  12. Love this, I also find with summer break I have less time to read blogs and keep up. ~ Lisa

  13. I stop reading when bloggers' lives seem a little too perfect. I don't want to read about how everything is wonderful all the time and how the wallpaper matches your shoes and your baby's hat. I want to be inspired by someone else's reality - including all of its imperfections.

    1. Agreed! This sums it up perfectly. Authenticity and an ability to relate is a must. Otherwise I lose interest. I don't want to read a blog and feel insecure about my own existence.

  14. i agree. especially with #8!

  15. Love this! And I wasn't allowed to say suck growing up either.

  16. So agree. My pet peeve is when people share nothing personal. I love blogs because I like to learn about the person behind each one!


  17. Inauthentic and too rich!! Biggest ones for me.

  18. Abso-lutely! {I feel weird even writing this, because I have a very small following.} But - I can't stand fake, me-me-me, baby-baby-baby or constant posts about the blog clique they're a part of. High school is over. Let's move on, shall we?

  19. I hate giveaways, I love real life stories and love stories, I started reading you because you are real & your hub is in the field one of my kids is considering. I stopped following "perfect girl" blogs (i am middle aged but have always enjoyed clothes) because being 21 and that wealthy seemed strange, and why on earth many bloggers are so dang obsessed with JCrew when all their stuff is made in the same Chinese factories as discount store stuff baffles me. I love when you talk about spiritual things, i should do that on mine more. Be yourself and if blogging becomes a chore, stop. But know you'll be missed.

    1. "Be yourself and if blogging becomes a chore, stop. But know you'll be missed." Best blogging advice ever! I posted daily, for three years. Then got a job and had to be sporadic this past year. I felt bad. Guilty. What about all the people who looked forward to what I have to say each day? (I still can't figure out why they care - I'm just an ordinary person) and blah, blah, blah. But I had a lot less time to write it while learning a new job and there are only 24 hours in a day. I had great ideas - but was so tired writing them down would be such work. So I didn't force it. I just gave myself permission to not blog. And still felt bad about not doing it. And so the argument went round and round - and now I see your comment. Thank you. I did the right thing - I stopped when it was a chore. Thank you for saying I'd be missed. That's more comforting than thinking I'd be chastised. I'm slowly picking up my pace now that I've worked this job for a year and the learning curve is over. Today you encouraged me with only a few words. And... Isn't that really why we write?

  20. Haha. This could totally apply to me or any of us but I totally get it. The ones that turn me off the most are too much hubby/bf/fiance and too 'rich'. Like, I don't know anyone in real life who owns a pair of Louboutins. The fact that some bloggers own several (not that there's anything wrong with that, but you know what I mean) screams "you can't relate to my life"

  21. Love this list!! I could not agree more!!

  22. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I couldn't agree more with this! I follow A TON of blogs, but I pretty much know which ones I can click "mark as read" in my feed without feeling guilty. I get so sick of the random sponsoring that has nothing to do with the overall blog!!!

  23. Very good points. I have thought the same thing so many times. We get you have a bajillion clothes in your closet, your are obsessed with wine, or you have gained .25 lbs since your last baby weigh in. Too harsh?

  24. Amen and amen! I definitely stop tuning in after too many sponsor posts, it just turns me right off.

  25. I agree. I don't like looking at pictures of babies or kids. It's probably because I don't have any of my own, but even if I ever did, I wouldn't be posting up pictures of them in every post.

  26. I'm totally with you on ALL of this. I've been hesitant to do paid sponsorships on my blog because I would feel as if I HAD to blog instead of just posting when I feel inspired. Plus I'm trying to finish school and that takes up my whole life, so I don't think it would be fair to the sponsors I would have to not spend more time on le blog. I'm also with you on the rich bit, it gets obnoxious after a while. When a blogger's entire outfit is "courtesy of" it takes the fun out of seeing a blogger mix and match her own closet & create her own style. There's my rant. You are pretty much my favorite.


  27. I am new to the blogging world and have already noticed that I lose interest quickly if I can't connect with another blogger, I feel like we don't have anything in common or that it is really repetitive to read.

  28. I totally agree with the majority of these...and I've found myself guilty of a few of them lately. Since I had my baby a few months ago he has taken over not only my blog, but my world. Since he consumes my life I literally have very little else to blog about. I quit my job to stay home, so I have plenty of time to blog when he's napping or whatever...but nothing. I've never had such bad writer's block. It's crazy! I'm hoping once life adjusts and my brain is no longer mush from pregnancy/baby that I'll get my blogging mojo back and things will turn around. Fingers crossed at least :)

  29. I've been asked multiple times to give a review and host a giveaway for that online eyeglasses company. I wear glasses everyday. I've never worn contacts. A free pair of eyeglasses would be spiffy. But that's not what my blog is about, and it would feel totally unauthentic if I did that. Yes, some of my blog posts stray from my overall theme, but if I'm ever going to host a giveaway or review something, then it needs to fit in with the way my blog is right now.

    I don't follow that many "big" bloggers, so I haven't had the issues you're seeing. I do often skip the sponsored posts, even if the blogger has a good balance. I'm not always that interested. Too many guest posts that are just a brief blog summary. I can read your About page if I'm interested, okay?

  30. agree completely. I have fallen into the maybe I get to read blogs once a month category as well. It's disappointing when you finally sit down and do so only to be less than thrilled with content.

  31. Totally agree on all these points . I must say inauthentic content freaks me out , there's always a difference in original & not-so-original (though my mom hates this "freak" word) .
    Noor @ Noor's Place

  32. I love the words you couldn't say as a child, totally all on my list! And whenever I saw that I need to pee, my mom apologizes to my husband for my unladylike mouth. She should hear the things that he says... hahahaha jk

  33. I totally feel what you're getting at here, because I wrote about it in one of my beloved posts called "that time I got excommunicated from the blogging community." I got a lot of heat for that post and basically people told me to stop following the blogs that I didn't like. As if I hadn't already thought about that, the purpose of the post was to address a lot of issues within the blogging community. For example, I'm the same way with the posts on drinking. I have no qualms if someone drinks, because hey I like to but if it seems that's like all you do, I'll probably stop reading. More power to them for experiencing that liquid courage, but to me, after awhile it seems inauthentic. Thanks for sharing :)

  34. All of this. I agree with all of this! In the same way I get tired of the babies, sometimes I wonder if people get tired of my puppies. Hmm....

  35. I'm totally giggling over here because I've been guilty on many of your examples. I think I've blogged about my vegas trip one too many times, my brazilian wax debacle three too many times, and my blog is usually filled with kiddo pics. But I'm a mom blogger and I let it all hang out. I got wrapped up in sponsorships this time last year. It totally impacted my writing and my traffic. So I scaled back. I get approached for reviews and I only do the ones that offer products I will actually use. And I try to work those into an interesting post.
    Thanks for keeping it real Bon.
    That's why we love you!

  36. For me the biggest thing that produces writers block is not writing. The more I'm blogging, the more I find to blog about! The less I blog, the less I find I have to say.

  37. Add in for me, lack of content. For the life of me, I can't figure out why I should 'read' a blog that says nothing.

  38. Great post, love your honesty! And could not agree more. The sponsoring, narcissism and too rich feel really stood out because I have stopped following many blogs because of those very things. I find some blogs just get too big, they seem to stop engaging with readers, their posts seem to lose depth turning into generic posts that will please everyone and not rock the boat in any way. I think there is a blogging clique of sorts as well that is often times not discussed either. Thanks for keeping it real, your blog is still refreshing as ever to read!

  39. I have stopped reading blogs for many of these same reasons. Thanks for keeping yours fresh :)

  40. Pretty much exactly. That's why I've always striven in my blog to be the exact opposite of all of this. And probably it's just the mean streak in my....but I'm not too interested in insanely wealthy bloggers. I guess I just really don't understand their lifestyle, so I can't relate to them?

  41. Oh I agree with so many of these! The constant gushing over new men/babies gets old pretty quick. It's like, I'm happy for you but can we have the old blog back?? And too many giveaways when it used to be actual content can send me to hit unfollow pretty quick.

  42. I love these! I the rich one cracks me up...I am the same way. It's like when you read one of the magazine articles that say "get this same look for less" but their idea of less is so different from mine. They feature some designer dress for 15 million dollars and then show me a "great" dress for only $600!! WOW...I still can't buy it and eat food...for like 5 years!

    Have a great Tuesday!

    Laura @ Mice In The Kitchen

  43. I agree with so many of these things! I almost always avoid "mommy blogs," partly because I can't relate AT ALL, and I feel like there should be something more interesting in your life than only your child(ren). (Ditto with the significant other thing! I'm happy your happy... but is there anything else in your life?) I also get bored with blogs who do too many recommendations of productions. On occasion is fine, but there was one blog that I really enjoyed, but then she started doing all of these posts ALL THE TIME about makeup, clothes, beauty products, etc. And it was EVERY SINGLE POST. No thank you.

    I've also noticed that you tend to write the way you read. Especially with blogs. For awhile I was starting to read a bunch of what I thought were "successful" blogs and was like "I should read those and get ideas, because they clearly must be doing something right!" Then after awhile, I realized I didn't really like what they were writing about, but because I was reading them so often it leaked into my own writing. My blog was becoming what I DIDN'T want it to be. So I'm trying to get that all sorted out now. Stop reading blogs that might be "successful" that I don't really like, and focus on what I want to write about. Not what the "cool kids" are writing about.

    Whew. Sorry. That was a long comment. Stepping off of the soapbox now.

  44. Funny that you say babies make you stop reading because there was a blog I followed and I was about to stop following, but she got pregnant and suddenly her blog got interesting. Before that it was all blog hops and sponsors. So maybe there is a hierarchy. Like babies beat blog hops. Also, I have kids and I'm obsessed with pregnancy (well you know, I taught high school sex ed, so. . .) so I don't mind the posts about kids. I like posts not about kids too. I try really hard to balance them, but in the end if I want to be authentic (authentic trumps all) I have to write about me and that includes kids. I think a good writer will draw people in, regardless of their subject matter (not to say that I'm one of those people, but trying!)

  45. So good... and so true.
    I stopped accepting paid sponsorships this week, actually. I'm going to focus on blogging when I *feel* like it instead of feeling like I have to. I do enjoy *trying* to be a fashion blogger, but I try to limit the outfit pics to 5 max AND you can totally afford my clothes... cuz I'm cheap. And poor. Haha. It's hard to really stand out in the blog world... but I definitely appreciate your honesty. It always keeps me coming back for more! Keep up the good work, girl! :)

  46. I agree with so many of these! I try to keep my sponsored type of stuff to minimum because hey, it's my blog! And I'm selfish with it- I want to write my own stuff :) #7 does kill me though... no problem w/ drinking, but seriously, I don't want to read every post of yours that always starts with telling us how hungover you are!!

    1. I try to keep the sponsoring stuff at bay as well, just so hard to find the balance. Will someone PLEASE write a post on how to balance the insane world of blogging?

  47. Apparently we read none of the same blogs because I don't identify with 95% of this list. I could, however, write my own list so on some level it's fair to say all types of blogs suck at some point. Maybe it's like a tv sitcom that's run it's course. How on Friends the 'will they or won't they' between Ross & Rachel just died after they had a kid or Chandler & Monica were blah after getting married. I think it ran so long that I just can't watch Matt LeBlanc in anything w/out waiting for Joey to emerge. Anyhow, I forgot my point but if you're looking for new blogs to love & then hate...go check out mine. I've strayed this summer from DIY tutorials to video clips about spending the summer with reality tv stars I've slacked, er befriended & hung out with. Now, who else in the blogsphere's doing that??? :) {shameless plug goes here:}

    1. Damn it {sorry Bonnie's mom} that should have said 'stalked'....

    2. I totally agree with this. All blogs are going to go through cycles, like anything in life does I suppose. And I'm certainly not looking for blogs to hate, hope you didn't get that vibe from this post, just trying to generally think of what stops me from continuing to visit blogs. Thanks so much for your comments- I see your name pop up often on comments and I always love to read what you have to say on topics.

  48. Btw I just read all of these comments. Do you have any non~blogger followers? I like to write for the non-blogging community but I've noticed some generes seem to want other bloggers to be their primary audience. Thoughts??

    1. I definitely have non blogger readers. I don't necessarily want bloggers to be my primary audience but it seems to naturally go that way as bloggers mostly read blogs. I have lots of family and friends that read but don't comment much or pass on the sponsored posts, etc. My sister in law said to me the other day, "What I don't love about your blog is when someone else writes on it. What's with that?" Ha!

    2. *raises hand* Non-blogger reader/follower here! I do technically have a blog but I only wrote a handful of posts and stopped posting almost a year ago. It was about nail polish and ultimately I found using Instagram for that was much more up my alley. While I'm not into blogging myself, I enjoy reading several blogs.

  49. You forgot #10- when people post about dogs for an entire week.... i.e. me last week. If you hate my blog just tell me bon.

    1. I LOVE YOUR BLOG. And Harlow! You can post about Harlow any day of the week and I will love it. Certain dogs get a pass, you know.

    2. I love dogs/dog posts! :)

  50. Apparently you hit a nerve here! And you're number 7... like seriously, can some people do anything without having a drink involved?

    As always, great post!

    1. Thanks Bonnie! And yes, I suppose I did hit a bit of a nerve but then it would just be boring writing, right?

  51. Spot on, Bon Bon. Spot. On. :)

    1. Thanks Meghan! And you can call me Bon Bon anytime!

  52. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! I definitely fall victim to the less boring life = less boring posts... which is strange! I'm with you... this summer, I thought I'd have more time to put into my blog, heck right now I'm jobless and searching and you'd think I'd have the most interesting posts ever because I have time for it... but nope, I've been way lazy! It's frustrating. I don't fall into the baby, lover, drinking thing. I feel I'm pretty picky on those types of posts. I'll keep these in mind though! :)

    1. That's exactly why it was hard for me to post in summer. Stuff was pretty mundane/ boring. It's a weird problem to try to fix. "My life is too calm."?!?!

  53. OMG yes Bonnie! I think I know who you are refering to with #7 lol, recently when reading that blog or viewing their instagram I was like...yes I get it! you love to drink!..moving on..! I agree with everything you said.

    1. Ha! I'm not referring to any one person in particular... I just see it a lot. I kind of wonder if one person started doing it and then other bloggers jumped on? Who's to say?!?

    2. I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck on who you're thinking of, haha! Enough already!

  54. Oh gosh, YES!! I have been removing so many blogs off my Bloglovin list lately because I never enjoy reading them anymore. One of my biggest pet peeves in the blogging world is no variety! They get one post that receives a ton of views, so they start posting the same thing every freaking day.

    1. I've never thought about this but it makes sense. Some blogs definitely do post the same type of thing over and over- I suppose for some blogs it works (fashion blogs that just post outfits every day) but that's interesting that you mentioned that that will actually turn you from a blog.

  55. OMG yes. I agree whole-hardheartedly with this entire post. Especially the one about babies taking over a blog ... I mean, yes, I get it, but at the same time don't lose yourself in a world of diapers and drool! HAHA! :)

    1. I know right! Maybe we'll understand when we have kids?

  56. I definitely agree with the sponsorship one. I'm sure it's tough to find that balance but if I wanted ads, I would page through a magazine. Plus, it can be difficult to figure out if the blogger is being genuine in their review. Which I guess just gets to the heart of the matter, I'll stop reading if I don't feel like the blogger is being genuine... like if there's coverage of things just because everyone else is talking about it.

    1. The ad thing is so tricky because I can see a blogger's need to make it worth her time, but yes, they are annoying. I feel like anywhere we go we have to be subjected to ads- it's just all about balance I suppose.

  57. I was not allowed to say, crap, shut-up, or suck either growing up!!! Mom laid down the hammer on those words.

    1. and pee too. I forgot about that one. Our moms are crazy!

  58. One thing that bugs is a fashion post with 50 billion pics of the person in the same outfit. How many angles do we need? I have a hard time identifying with "rich" blogs or "mommy" blogs. I still follow one blog because I really like her where the blogger is obviously quite wealthy. She doesn't flaunt it but her life is her life so hopping on a plane to Europe several times a year is just what she does. It's not their fault! We all have different stories and I'm not interested in theirs just as they may not be interested in mine. It really can be tough to balance writing for yourself and writing for readers.

    1. Yes! I don't mind seeing a view different angle (especially if the outfit is super cute!) but sometimes it really is just too much!

  59. Anonymous12:32 PM

    The only thing I can add to this post is that I stop reading blogs when they stop publishing full feeds to my reader. This girl doesn't have time to go to blogs ever day no matter how much I'd like

    1. Interesting! I never thought of that but I guess it makes sense. Why do they stop publishing full feeds in reader, do you know? Is it a blogger personal preference or the feed does it?

    2. Bloggers truncate to RSS feeds to cut down on content scraping - it's a huge issue in the DIY world so a lot of bloggers have gone that route. Plus, you don't get pageview credit if someone reads via email/RSS so they force a click through to get the traffic count. Too bad it sounds like they are actually losing readers...

    3. Anonymous8:47 AM

      What Dee said, personal preference for a few reasons. Page hits, scraping of content, generally thinking they're that good that they don't need to publish full feeds. (Not kidding. There was a local blogger who so much as said so.)

      There are a few that write a really great intro and I've kept in my reader, but if something new is being added to my reader and it's only partial? Gets taken right back out again.

      And I'm not the only one who feels this way so I figure the ones who do are losing a lot of readers that way.

  60. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Oh my, this is good!

    I agree with every one of them.

    I hate music & weird colored backgrounds/words. So annoying!

    1. Ditto on the music! I could scream everytime someone else's playlist starts blasting every time I'm browsing blogs. Why is that even allowed?

  61. haha...totally agree. I don't want to see your baby! haha... But I got into blogging because I like outfit inspiration so those are the types of blogs I read often. And I feel the same way about the sponsor thing. I just started and I know that people don't really like to read sponsored posts but at the same time I spend a lot of time blogging and would like to make a little money from it - even if it is only enough to buy some new nailpolish! But you can't please everybody so I try not to worry about it too much. I don't unfollow people but I just stop reading their blog or put it into a separate folder - so I expect that people will probably do the same to me.
    Jeans and a Teacup

    1. I don't mind if there are some baby pictures because babies are cute, I just don't want the whole focus of the blog to be on baby. At the same time I do understand that blogs evolve with time, it's just such a tricky balance.

  62. Love this and it makes me think why I like certain blogs and check back every day. Is it the person, their life, what they wear? It is so hard to put my finger on it!

    1. I agree! So hard to nail down what it is exactly!

  63. Some of those I definitely agree with. But it's always in relation to how much time I have to read and comment on blogs, which changes daily.

    Honestly, I think if you don't use your blog as a money-maker or business tool, it shouldn't matter to you how many people read your blog, or why. Your blog is for yourself, not to please other people. I don't expect you to constantly post engaging, interesting, unique content ("Dance for me, monkey! Dance!"). Just as I don't expect MYSELF to do that.

    I read blogs of people who are like me, who post things that inspire me or give me the opportunity to enter a discussion.

    1. Interesting thought as far as if you're not making money from your blog it shouldn't matter who reads it. I agree from a logical point of view but for whatever reason I guess it makes sense that the emotional part of us wants people to read what we write no matter how little it benefits us financially. Human need to be validated maybe?

  64. #7 and #8 - i can think of two blogs right off the top of my head that fit this criteria exactly. totally know what you're saying.

  65. I totally agree with most of these! I enjoy blogs, but since April, I have barely read anyone's blogs, and I completely stopped writing on my own. I think a major problem is that the blog sometimes seems too self-absorbed. I know that sounds ridiculous considering I'm reading blogs to read about someone's life, interests, etc., but there are so many blogs that have just become "Look at how pretty I am!" "Look at how cute my house/car/kid is!" "Look at how perfect and picturesque my life is!"

    It's just not realistic. Or fun.

    And the sponsoring thing--PREACH, sister! I don't want to know about giveaways or your favorite products. That's not what I read your blog for!

    ("You" is the general "you," not Bonnie)

    1. Haha. Thanks for the "general you". The hard thing about sponsoring is of course no one loves it, but I do think it is merited for bloggers who put a lot of time in. Kind of like tv shows have to have commercials- it is what it is. For me it's just all about trying to keep the balance and maintain authenticity.

  66. I don't remember how I happened onto your blog but when I first found it, I really enjoyed your voice and checked in nearly daily. However, in the nicest sort of way, I have become bored with all the talk about blogger meet ups, sponsorships, giveaways, guest posts, etc. and now just check in on occasion. Everyone has their own agenda and reason for blogging but since you asked, I thought I would share.

    1. I appreciate this comment Monica and for saying what others may be hesitant or afraid to say. I value the honest feedback so thank you! It is a hard balance that I am trying to manage but I do think you are right on cutting down on the sponsorships/ giveaways/ guest posts. It's something I'm working on!

  67. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I think #1, #3, and #4 all fit together for me! I love hearing real love stories or hearing what it's like to actually be a parent. What I can't handle is excessive clichés and all CAPS every time a partner is mentioned lol. And are people's babies always color-coordinated with their wallpaper and/or rugs in real life, or...?


    1. LOL that and, on the weekends is it customary for most children to change out of their PJs unless leaving the house?

  68. having a baby has seriously cut down on the amount of time i spend reading blogs. and i just may fall into one of your categories. shoot. i do feel like when you have a baby or get married or enter whatever new stage of life your content will change, which means your readership will probably change too. I do however think that you still need a mix of things and not all about baby or love or whatever. i feel like in general though blog reading, commenting etc, is WAY less in the summer and still now!

    1. I definitely can see lots of talk of that especially in the first months after marriage/baby because it is a huge life adjustment. I guess I would just hope that the blog would return to a semblance of what it once was instead of permanently morphing into a "mommy blog" if that makes sense.

  69. Too much sponsoring, too many babies and the too rich bore me as well. With the exception of one blogger, when anyone starts posting "bump updates" I can't hit "mark as read" (unless they have a giveaway - hey, girl likes free stuff) on Bloglovin quick enough.

  70. Haha I love this post! Very true too.

    I recently stopped following a girl who used to be all chatty with me and followed me and then she got a bit " famous " and has stopped interacting with me and unfollowed me. I think that's a bit silly.

    Too much sponsorship is definitely an off put as well.

    Also I think layout is really important to me, and quality of pictures. That might be really snobby, but to be fair there are sooo many blogs out there, if you aren't going to put effort into making yours look good, when people can probably go elsewhere and read about very similar things, then I would rather look at the ones nicer to, well, look at!

  71. I'm there too. I find times when I struggle to get through a few sentences. So many things I agree with, especially the baby talk and the amount of photos of outfits. Some bloggers are getting out of control with the amount of self portraits, and just like you said, 12 different angles of the same outfit.

  72. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Ohhh girl! You are so right! I am right there with you!!

  73. I'm so with you on the "all I do is drink" thing. I drink on occasion and don't mind bloggers drinking or the mention of it, but enough is enough already! Talk about something else for a change!

  74. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I totally agree with all of these! And I applaud you for posting this! The whole time I was reading it I was like oh... crap... there's going to be some haters... And I had to read all the comments and see, but it looks like most of your readers are pretty level headed. Score!

    I think I'm in the minority here. I don't have a blog and I don't really read blogs for fashion advice, DIY's, or recipes. Though I don't mind those types of posts every once and a while. Variety is good.

    I read blogs for the writing. I love to read people's thoughts and stories and experiences. I absolutely LOVE when people are being honest and true to themselves. You can always tell somehow. It comes out in their writing. This is why I find myself just scrolling through when someone posts a photo dump of their baby or trip to France or whatever. I enjoy blogs the most when a blogger just gets down to the nitty-gritty and writes. Those are my very favorite posts of your's Bonnie. :) Keep it up, Buttercup!

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Wow Bonnie, I guess I'm a lone voice in the wilderness but I thought this post was kind of harsh. Blogging about why other people's blogs suck? My personal view point (not that I'm really in the blogging sphere) is that it is sooo hard to appeal to the masses! HOw do you make your blog appeal to a bunch of strangers? People who blog about their babies or their dogs or their wine do so because that's what they love! And if you don't love it as much as them, why should they care? Blogging is their creative outlet and some people just blog for themselves because it' makes them happy. Or they post a gajillion photos of their baby so that the grandparents can go gaga over them. And you do a ton of sponsoring/advertising/giveaways too! As far as my blog is concerned, I don't even try to appeal to the masses... I blog primarily for myself and for my kids to keep it as record of our family history. It's an extra bonus when the grandparents or family or close friends happen to look at it. Maybe that's the same purpose behind other blogs that you consider sucky too. I guess I can only get away saying this because I'm your sister and I love you and you love me, right? I'm just saying... offering a different opinion than what you've been hearing. That being said, you do have an awesome blog and you do a good job of keeping it interesting and the people coming back. But I'd be careful about insulting other people's blogs just because the things they blog about don't happen to interest you.

  77. So I know I'm so late commenting on this {like you mentioned, more down time somehow equals less blogging!}, but I just cannot figure out why I like/dislike so many blogs. It's almost an intangible feeling that I can't put my finger on, and like you feel the need to put a question mark on everything! When my Bloglovin' unread post count is over 100, I immediately know which blogs I will absolutely mark as read without reading and those which I will keep unread until I have time to sit down and fully read the post. I just wish I could figure out why I love the blogs that I do - there are a handful of bloggers that really make my day when they post and I can't quite figure out why! If you find the secret, will you please share with me?!

    PS - My mom was so strict about not saying "shut up" growing up that I now scold my husband when he says it!

  78. i find this post very interesting and helpful at the same time...
    it's like i want to be not that blog for you♥

  79. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I was just thinking about this! I have really stopped reading as much as I used to. Thanks for your thoughts!

  80. Some really great points here! I find myself frustrated by the bloggers who used to post pictures of their cute outfits but now post mainly collages of their online shopping. Every now and then, one of those leads me to a cute dress (which, ultimately, never makes it past my invisible shopping basket), but more often I think, "Why am I just looking at a collage for a fall wardrobe? I can online shop quite well on my own."

  81. I agree on so many of these! I stated on another blog (in a similar post) that I don't understand why when bloggers take pictures of themselves, they always have to be looking down! If you have a hair clip, headband or something to show off, I get that, but to just look down as though you just realized you have feet, I don't get! Great article!!

  82. My mom also hated it when we said suck. Her response would always be, suck what? Gross.

    Either way, I think you've really hit the nail here with a lot of these items. Babies? Forget it. Nothing is worse than the really awesome blog that you love suddenly turning into the baby blog that tells me their baby is the size of a grapefruit or whatever. That's often a deal breaker for me. Wedding updates are deal breakers too. Can't stand all of the hoopla and I don't care! (That's why we literally went to the courthouse and got married last Tuesday in like ten minutes.)

    The rich thing is my biggest pet peeve. I get that a lot. And I got that a lot in high school so I'm not down with dealing with it again. I was certainly never popular, but rather just socialized with all sorts of people. I can't deal with superficial people-- drives me crazy! So the bloggers that are just too good for you because of whatever reason? Those bloggers just tick me off! I already lived through that once in high school and I don't need to do it again as an adult.

  83. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I think these are are incredibly valid points to diminish readership of a blog. The drinking one has bugged me a time or two. Sure I love my drinks, and often, but I don't want to read posts about you drank XYZ last night and it was at 6,7,8% APV, etc. It's a fine line I think between wanting to read and being bored with what someone is typing.

  84. I'm a new blogger, and new to your blog - first post I've read.
    I also write for a living...copywriting, so quite different, but I have to say, even my real job writing is much better when I'm super busy slammed with work and deadlines...and when I actually have time, like you said you had over the summer, my writing seems a little sucky. (Sorry to your mom for that word.) :) My writing is much better when I'm crazy busy!!! I hear ya!

  85. I agree with so much of this. There are definitely blogs out there I used to love but have a hard time reading now because their content has totally changed or I just don't feel like they are what they used to be. And yes, your baby is cute, but like you said, I started reading you for a different reason...can't it be a mix of things?

  86. There you go again, thinking all these things I don't write down (especially since I took a little blogging break because I got tired of all the suckiness in the blogosphere). Is it too soon to say I think you're my blogging soul mate? Too soon to say I love you? You're right... too soon... forget I even mentioned it.


  87. You read my mind. I don't understand the 'I drink all the time' posts. I had 1 post that had a wine glass as the main picture and wa-la, one of my most read posts. I don't get it. Still trying to figure this out.

  88. OMG number 7 is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to bloggers! It's so annoying reading every weekend recap when all they talk about it how much they drank! Thanks for this awesome post!
    -Kylie @

  89. I definitely agree!!! There are a lot of my favorite blogs that I just don't really want to read anymore. Sometimes it just seems like they just post the EXACT same thing everyday. So boring.

  90. I definitely agree!!! There are a lot of my favorite blogs that I just don't really want to read anymore. Sometimes it just seems like they just post the EXACT same thing everyday. So boring.

  91. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Merp! I feel like I've been in a blogging rut lately.

    Maybe I'll print this out as things NOT to do. Of course, I don't have kids. I'm guilty of having too much time for my blog. However, I'm looking into new hobbies soon...

  92. I spent my whole life growing up thinking suck was an actual swear because my mom was so adamant about us not saying it, glad to know I was not the only one who's mom did not allow certain words.

    Love this post, I stop reading a lot of blogs for this reason & always question my posts on my blog for some of these things as well! I love your honesty.

  93. I feel ya, but to be honest, the ONLY reason I stop following a blog is if we lose a connection. As long as we are "friends" and comment on each others blogs regularly, then I will never judge for what someone posts. This is not to say that every now and then I don't find it hard to leave a genuine comment when I have run out of things to say about the nine million pictures of essentially the same outfit, but I try to treat it like IRL friends. I have to listen to them about their hubbys, babies, outfits, insecurities, etc., and I would never stop talking to them over it, so I don't want to do that to blog friends either.
    Reasons I stop following:
    1) Snooty
    2) Disingenuous
    3) Rude/Judgemental/Hateful/Spiteful- overall sh*t talker
    4) Visits my blog, says how wonderful it is, and repeats every few months. My blog doesn't change, so I don't understand why people forget that they have said the same thing to me ten times, haha.

    Great post! Way to get everyone engaged ;)

  94. Oh man, I am DEFINITELY guilty of posting wayyy too many baby pics on my blog. But honestly, once you become a mom it's kind of hard NOT to do. haha. Plus, I really do love looking at other people's babies on their blogs as well! But that's just my stage of life. (And when I was pregnant, I was obsessed with pregnant bloggers and birth stories were like my drug). But, I totally agree and I have a very hard time following fashion bloggers. Yes, I get that you worked hard putting your fantastic outfit together, but I really don't need to see 16 slightly varying photos taken by your husband in your backyard of you in your Ray-Bans. But I also get that some people LOVE those types of blogs, so it's all about personal preference!

  95. I think I am the odd man out, as it seems that most agree with this post. Like Monica commented above, I too am bored with all of the guest posts/sponsoring/blogger meet ups etc. I honestly don't even remember how I stumbled upon your blog, but I began following it years ago when you had like 7 followers. I love the way that you used to write, it was so real and down to earth. I'm not sure how to say this without sounding harsh, but I feel like you have become consumed in growing your blog and making money off of it, possibly much like a new mom gets consumed in posting all about her child (guilty). I will admit that I don't read your blog often anymore because I don't like the direction you have taken it; however, it's not my place to tell you what your blog posts should and shouldn't be about. Likewise, I don't think it is your place (someone with no kids, no less) to tell everyone in blog land that it's not okay to post or talk about their kids more than you'd like them to. People's lives change and evolve as they go through different stages in life so it makes perfect sense that their blogs are going to change and evolve too. If you don't like it, than don't read it. It's pretty simple really.

  96. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Agree with all of these - especially too many baby pictures (says the 24-year-old girl who hasn't made it to a 4th date in a while)... but I will also add to the list - people who only blog about recipes with no other insight ... and sometimes but only sometimes center-justified text does me in.

  97. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I do the same thing for a lot of the same reasons! I think if a person wants to post photos of their adorable little one on the blog (which I do sometimes) they should at least include some words with it :) I like reading blogs not just sifting through photos. Glad I found your blog today!

  98. Catching up on blogs at the moment, so sorry for the late reply! Anyway, I couldn't agree more. I need to do a clean sweep soon because wowsah. So many sheep!

  99. I totally get where you are coming from writing this post... but we are never the same person. We are constantly changing as well as our lives and surroundings. So it's to be expected that a blogger that never posted pictures of babies before, posts them once she has one. And it's not a bad thing for the blogger to do that, and it's not a bad thing for you to stop reading. I just think it all comes down to connections. If you have a connection with that blogger, you won't stop reading her blog because there is more to your relationship than the expensive clothes or babies she posts! Did that even make sense??

  100. I so agree with all of these. Especially the "too rich" category. I look for blogs that are relateable- if you're going on 10 vacations a year and try to tell me how easy it is to just get up and go (um, hello student loans), I will write you off as a phony, or just plain out-of-touch. And please, if Helen has time to respond to every blog post, then so do smaller bloggers (I've left blogs when they've NEVER replied to a comment).

  101. I'm with you on why you would reading a blog - I've done the same thing to several. But it's nice to hear someone else feels the same!

  102. The narcissism bugs the SHIT out of me when they write about how they hate having their picture taken and feel fat and ugly, but then they post tons of outfit posts of themselves and their XS clothes and are absolutely beautiful; Then they comment on the pics saying "oh, i just fell out of bed dressed like this. sorry i look like crap." OMG. Seriously? Who do these ladies think they're fooling. I don't like the materialistic attitude alltogether- talk. about. something. else.

  103. I couldn't agree more ! I really enjoyed this :D

  104. i agree with all of this! as a mother, i haven't written a post dedicated to my kid because well, it's my kid and my family are the only people who think she's interesting..the rest of the blog world could care less. i've also been saddened to see interesting blogs suddenly turn into pure sponsorship posts and then stop interacting with the people who were with them from the beginning. i once had a blog who legit unfollowed me and didn't even bother to respond to my comments and i was one of her very first readers. not that she owes me anything but suddenly when she got 'popular', she just ditched all of her regular readers and only gravitated to the really big, popular blogs so she could be like them too. i have no time for that, byyyyeeeee!

    Vodka and Soda

  105. I found you thru Helene in Between from your 10 Not So Obvious Blogging Tips.. Between that one and your section On Blogging, I think I will learn a few things! Thanks for the info.

  106. I wasn't allowed to say those words either!! Also: "stupid" was a no-no. We were a little sheltered...

    But I'm really just here to say that you have wonderfully common sensical (not a word, but whatevs) advice about blogging. I'm not one who's looking to vamp up my reader base, but I do believe in quality blogs and quality content. You've got both! Thanks for concisely sharing your knowledge with the rest of the world.
